

Ask @omgpoptarts

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i lovu so much for replying to me but i did not mean a video maybe just a voice recording saying hi even just for 5 seconds hehehe

No I can prolly do a video lol. It's just I'm no where near a computer and it's 12 xD

oh btw i hope you're not annoyed that i keep giving you input as i read thalia. im always like this when i get into a book. you have no idea how much emails i sent to my favorite authors. (ehem ehem, my past desperate sarah dessen tweets)

No. Nobody comments anymore so this is nice lolol
I would email her until she notices me. Like s seriously.

:P i was gunna say that i havnt gotten to the part where she names herself thalia yet. but yea. aww :> i also wanted to do that (name my character after my old crush) but his name is too unique (literally) he's the only person on earth with that name.

Oh. No I don't like him anymore (or like him when I wrote the book) I just liked his name. But i didn't care so I left it lolol
Yeaahhh. You would've been busted xD

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ohhh i meant ryan and rose x) not thalia herself. haha.

Oh I was like. She doesn't technically pop up til ch 9 xD
But yeaahhh.
Random fact: I named Ryan from my crush from two years ago. Lol

tabitha your awesome

I figure you're the anon with the video response question?
If you're not then this is gonna be awkward. Lol. But I'm not answering it right now since I'm laying in bed hoping I won't get caught being a G and up last 12am. . .
So yeah maybe tomorrow when I'm decent :P :)
And thanks for the compliment! :) you're awesome too. Haha

hi sorry 4 the stalking but i always read the conversations between you i really like you guys ur great n funny lovu

Ohh thanks glen.
I'm blushing.
Well ya know not really because I'm a brown person and if I could even blush, that's a problem all in itself.
But I'm flattered. Lol

link me your thread? c: pls. i dont need a cover, but i just like looking through them lol and i know your talented cos the cover for thalia is amazeballs!

Okay! :)
Liked by: elisa

How often do you stay up past midnight? - E. C.

Liked by: Lily KianaAlex

the jokes were funny okay. thalia is cute. the concept is unique. i like it (even if im still on chap 4) I dare you admit it!

I admit it. For my second chapter xD lol
How's Thalia cute? Like

Oh yay! I'm following you now too so hurray for making new friends over the internet! And that sounds like a lot of work. And also, I like your background. It's pretty nifty.

Thanks. Sarah dessen is the best chick like ever.
Better than food at times.
Don't think I've gone looney. Food is the great one in my life

How are you so good at making yourself covers? I seriously suck at it. I'm jealous of your skills. Sorry, I don't mean to creep, but I saw your thing on Kate's wall. And I don't know if my opinion counts for anything, but I like the second one.

Omg I don't follow you on here!!!!
Cuz I sent it to majority of people I follow. :)
Ill follow you now ;P
But thanks for the input, Casey!
And idk. My other watty account is a cover maker so I make covers there. I have like. A good forum going.
So now I just make my own because I absolutely HATE the book cover club. Like the rules, "blacklists", "VIP", "secret codes" and forms are stupid to me. And I really truthfully and honestly hate it. My forum is post the title or whatever and that's it.
Sorry. I'm rambling. Ugh. I just. It aggravates me :| lol

laptop. my eyes are starting to turn blurry and since i dont want to end up wearing glasses, i avoid reading from the computer. i know how u feel when u actually forget what you just wrote on your story and the when the reader says something abt it you're just like, "ah-ha-ha-ha-ha, riiight" lol xD

Like. This is gonna sound weird but when I re read my second chapter...
About a week ago.
I was laughing at all the jokes xD it didn't even make sense lololol

i was reading and laughing at that part where Rose is attacking Zoey, when my iPod decides to die on me. im like noooooooooooooooooooo. im waiting for it to come alive now >( btw, what language was that? where she starts screaming in foreign?

Then what're you typing on? O_O
I forgot about that part. Actually. To be honest. I forgot my whole book lolol
And it's Japanese lol

OMG "bra in the freezer" that's a genius idea. i've been thinking of a prank for a sleepover and now im reading thalia and that is such a goood idea. (excuse me for the momentary randomness) p.s. love the story so far xoxoo

Well I'm glad you're re enjoying Thalia lol.
A good sleepover prank is to call the crush xD
Nope. Your randomness is welcomed :)

How would you deal with a bully?

Well I've never technically been "bullied". People try to but I scare them so much they quit.
Or if they're "tougher", I just laugh at their puns and then they'll leave you alone after a short time. And if they don't, you'll either laugh at it so much, it'll be taken as a joke or if you're still offended, stand up to them
If you're scared they're going to beat you up, that's probably the worst that could happen.
Or really go find an adult to help :)

If you could only eat one food, and nothing else, for three days in a row, what would it be?

i basically do it anyways.

lol. the bunny one. Really? Me too. ^.^ - Evvie

Bunnies are my favorite animal. Don't get me started again.

lol. that gif. was so funny. What do you want to do when you "grow up"? if it's possible that you'll ever really grow up, know you... lol. xD - Evvie

which gif? i use like 20 a day.
an actress, art something (idk specifics), realtor, cake designer or something else artsy :P


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