

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Came to your page cause you liked my answer. O h m y G o d I love you already. Your backround asdfghjkl. I love Sarah Dessen.

who doesnt love sarah dessen?
i mean you cant hate her. its not humanly possible. especially when she has a new book coming out this june, you have to love her even more.

mhmmm, what's your favourite poptart flavour? and what flavour are you (considering that you are a legal poptart)? - Evvie

I like cherry :D
I'm the beautiful flavor poptart. Duh. Lol

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What is the meaning of friendship to you?

.....I really don't know.
You have to be nice to me (unless we hae that "I hate you" friendship and are mean on purpose) and be able to share food. But do your own class work. Lol. :)
Liked by: Lily

Tabitha, I am doing an oral project about fiction writing. I am showing the website, Wattpad, as an example of where young writers share their stories. Since you're young and popular on Wattpad, do you mind if I interview you and show your page to my class? If you agree, I will give you the Q's soon

Sure you can! It'll be so awkward if you're like. My classmate or something lolol
But yeah that's fine :)

oh my gosh, lazy girl. lol. wouldn't you want to become a superhero like Rose? - Evvie

I mean.
If the shoe fits. Lol. Sure. Kinda. She's clumsy though xD

LOL! and what would you use your superpower for? - Evvie

So I could pick things up from across the room without getting up.
As fat and lazy as that sounds that's the only real reason lol
Liked by: Lily

If you could have one superpower, what would it be? - Evvie

I've been busted.

Which cat would you pick? Kentucky's greatest feline or Nyan cat? ;D

Idek the Kentucky feline cat. But nyan cat is a psychotic freak so ill go with the feline. Lol

Guess what, PT? Tabitha is an Aramaic name which originated from the word 'gazelle'. Interesting... I guess you're not a full-fledge Poptart. >:D

No I know Tabitha means gazelle. Which is just a breed of deer.
But I'm pretty sure there isn't a name that means "Poptart" either besides poptart sooo... Lol

Oh that's cool. :) And is Rose like your weird alter-ego? lol. - Evvie

I'm only like her as in her sarcasm and violent thoughts lol. Some of them. I'm not THAT sarcastic. That's a or nevermind, yes I am.

Yes, it's Evelyn. I thought you would have guessed that. lol. Well, you always call me just Evelyn when I usually go by Evie or Evvie. x) What was your inspiration for the book "Thalia"? - Evvie <3

I forgot. Lol. Hold on.
Um. I'm pretty sure it's in one of my interviews hold on a second...
AH I FOUND IT!!! Okay. It's because I've always wanted to be a superhero and I thought "what better way to express it, than in a book?" :D
And because it was a competition with my watty friend that I couldn't write a book or whatever. So I proved her wrong.

omigosh, you serious? Of course not. it's Poppy. duh. lol. :)) Crazy girl. you never cease to amuse me. - Evvie

Oh. Evelyn. Lolol. I had no clue who evvie even was xD

What do you see from your window? (post a pic)

well considering that its dark outside... and it's the suburbs... i suggest that i don't try to look outside and find out...
Liked by: Alyssa

Tabitha, I have a nickname for you. IT'S TABBY :-P

I find it amazing that everyone has a nickname for me on the Internet but in life I'm just called Tabitha. Lolol
Liked by: Alyssa Lily

YES YOU CHANGED YOUR WP PIC AND YOU TOOK MY SUGGESTION. I don't know when you changed it, sorry. I just saw it now.

It was like an hour ago. And yeah I had like five people ask for a poptart xD


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