

Ask @omgpoptarts

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She's already writing the book so she kinda isn't writing it to be published. It's not like I swore at you to be honest. Your inadequate explainable skills tick me off, because you have no reason to hate her. Was she rude to you personally? No. So what do you do? Bitch about her in public. Classy.

You can leave anytime you want to because I never told you to come at me and try to twist my words.
I clearly said more than once "I don't like her attitude". Never did I say "I hate her".
And honestly you need to quit trying to use big words because "inadequate explainable skills" doesn't make sense.
I'm not arguing with you or her.
If she came to me, I would still say I don't like her attitude. I. Do. Not. Care. So goodbye. You're trying to start unneccassary drama because I stated my opinion.
Liked by: j Bob Alyssa

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Omg tara lol :P
But yes. And it's showing through her attitude. It's really really rude.
Liked by: j Bob Alyssa Fatimah

i used to like cold_lady19 until i realized her books were basically rated r

Idk I don't think I've ever been drawn to her or her books. It's not the first time I've seen something kind of rude from her so I just avoided the subject.
Liked by: Bob

I did my research on fan funding. Yeah, the money gets returned if the goal isn't hit, but she said that a sequel won't be written if she doesn't reach it. Like, what?

It's called rude. Is she still in college
Liked by: Fatimah

I understand. I went through that also. Miss you. *cheesy* I shall be waiting patiently! ;D

Okay! I'll try to get on soon. I promise.
Liked by: Fatimah

you go tab tab

I really can't get offended or intimidated by rude stuff over the Internet. It's the Internet. Literally. They don't even matter
But hey tessie :)
Liked by: Bob Fatimah

I'm just trying to understand why you seem to hate someone else's success. And you're kinda shit at explaining your reasons - if you have any that is.

I don't hate it. When It all started I explained it. It's nothing to do with her publishing it's her attitude. Then it went into the publishing later which there's really nothing there to say.
I'm not mad or anything so for you to curse at me is really stupid. You can calm down.
Liked by: Alyssa Fatimah Bob

Which cities would you like to visit around the world?

I really wanted to go to England for school for a year but idk what would even happen when you mix a chick from Kentucky with British people and the accents.

It doesn't have to be published, but wouldn't you want your book on display, for people to read it? For you to be in your local newspaper, to get paid? For people on wattpad to tell you they read your book - and it was in their library, at the book shop? Are you jealous or something?

Actually, I wouldn't. I have a big problem being satisfied with what I write so honestly, I wouldn't want it published. Ever.
And I'm not jealous--just heck no. I'm annoyed at her attitude and the way she treats her fans.
I honestly don't care. You're turning a mohill into a mountain.
Liked by: Bob Alyssa

i swear to God every time I see your icon I use to think it was a girl in a brown with a light infront of her. And now I found its a celebration

not sure what you mean but it was my sweet 16 lol. :)
Liked by: Fatimah

PT. You're not on WP as often now? :o

no, i haven't had much time. i haven't talked to a lot of people in a long time either and i feel so bad. D:
Liked by: Fatimah

have you talked to Kate lately? it seems like you haven't

I think I talked to her a little over a week ago.
It has been a while but it's not on purpose, I promise. I haven't talked to a lot of people lately.
Liked by: Princess Mar Fatimah

continuing. She's already written the book, blahblah. NOW she's getting it published. Like, a year later. So, unless you asked her, I would say no - she isn't writing just to get published, but she needs you to donate so she CAN be. But to be honest, the title should be changed. Off topic lol.

She doesn't need donations.
She can raise money in her neighborhood by herself like everyone else does though. Cut grass, rake leaves, shovel snow, sell something etc.
I don't read the book, have read it, will read it, or ever will come across it again so it's none of my business.
Liked by: Alyssa Fatimah

You're not getting what I meant.Yeah, you write because you want to - but you can't publish a book without spending any money. And how else is she going to phrase it? She won't sugar coat it just because some of you guys don't like how it sounds. She's telling you that so you WILL donate. continuing

If she's brave she'll publish with her own money. People have before.
And it doesn't have to be published. It's a choice. And I really don't care whether she "sugar coats" it or not. Rude will always be defined as rude.
Liked by: Alyssa leah Fatimah

Just sayin', but about the MWL being published and the author saying it won't happen if she don't hit the goal; its most likely the fact that if they don't hit the goal, she's actually unable to publish it, because there isn't enough money - self-publishing costs loads, so yeah. I can't add more :/

The way she phrased it is rude regardless.
And you write because you love it, not for a publishing deal.


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