

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Yeah lol wow it's been so long oops how are you? hahaha I can fill you in if you like? idm haha

I'm good! Struggling with financial aid (but I totally got a $9k scholarship like two hours ago) so it's working out!

You are soooo gorgeous! Sometimes I wish that I wasn't so white!

Thanks! But don't worry, you're fine just the way you are! :)

I saw you liked a thing about this guy I like and I remembered that we used to talk a lot but we haven't lately so hi how are you haha

Lately basically means 2+ years lol. It's seriously been forever. But yeah I don't know who he is or how you met him or anything but he sounds nice!
Liked by: Amber

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tabby how have you beennnn????? I miss you <3

You can always text! But yeah I'm good. On the hunt for prom details and trying to get financial aid lol. You?
Liked by: casey

Is it true you're getting married

Totally don't know how you found out about this but it was a joke. I was modeling wedding dresses for this event. It wasn't really mine lol. Plus #noboyfriend

What is the weirdest thing you've heard somebody say?

This guy in my class was talking about rape and said:
"Idk how girls get orally raped. Like just bite it off. Idek how that's possible. If you don't wanna do it, don't?"
Liked by: theo julliana

How many times per day do you shower?

I literally haven't had school all week (or tomorrow) because of snow days. I'm probably gonna get sick because I've been in the house for so long.

red t-shirt, green blouse-thing & yellow cardigan. your mismatched outfit is so on point

Thanks lol. I had purple stockings and horrible shoes on too. Today was basketball player day and I've never looked more manly in my life.

Who is the funniest comedian?

Conan is pretty hilarious. In the weirdest way. I'm supposed to be writing four essays rn that are due tomorrow but...
Liked by: theo

Please ask @hannaspecial why she hates living in California, why she wants to become a model, and anything about pro-life matters and plastic surgery. Also, she loves to snowboard and go to Disneyland. She appreciates those questions. ~ girl from Western Russia ~

How'd you find me
Liked by: theo

How do you get in the pool?

Guys, it's getting really cold here so people want school to be cancelled because of low temperatures like -13 degree wind chill and are writing stuff to my school county's twitter account and they are getting smart with all of the kids lololol.
Like Someone told them "I hate you" and they responded with "I hate grapefruit"
I can't right now. They are doing this to everyone lolol. They even say "bae". Multiple times.
I have about twenty photos of the sassy stuff they say to people saved on my phone lol
Liked by: cora theo

do you still have a crush on that guy you called "donkey" i know its been a year but do youuu

Lol no but we halfway went to prom together. He's wearing gold accents so we don't exactly match from the photo. He got into like smoking and stuff and I don't do that so
Liked by: theo cora


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