

Ask @omgpoptarts

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Oh that's good then! I thought it was recent. I just read the part where you said about the divorce and the court and stuff. You're so lively. I adore you :-)

Tzeene’s Profile PhotoTzeene
Lol no it was a while ago. I think that's why it doesnt bother me.
Awe, you're sweet, stop it :)

ily tabsters and God's watching out for you and your family. He has a plan for you xoxo

Awe, thanks CASEY! :)
(Auto correct refuses to let me fix your name ugh)
Liked by: casey

how do you feel when your friends like tara,kate,varsha,daven tell you all those nice things?

Nice and special, I guess lol :)
Liked by: casey

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he physically abused you? omg, you're so strong and brave :) may god be with you, always :D

Well it wasn't really abuse. Just domestic violence. He never touched me which is why I had to see him. It was a one time thing where he snapped.
I'm pretty sure he's good now because he hasn't been mean or anything. Personally I see him as a not bad person. He's not a bad guy really. He was abused as a kid and was nerdy and picked on and he ne'er expressed his feelings and that night he snapped.
Liked by: no casey

yes really ily and all that stuff down there, you're so strong and you're great <3

Omg stop it lolol
Thanks TARA :)
Auto correct still does that to your name. Whyyyyybdjskshsjalssl
But really thanks :)
Liked by: Fatimah casey

You can explain. We just really wanna support you :) (it's alright if you don't wanna bc i completely understand)

I assume I know you? It's fine if I do, I'm not gonna get mad or anything :)

Tabitha, i read about your dad and i just wanna say that i love you and you're one of the bravest people i know and a real role model to other girls :)

Varsha20’s Profile Photovarsha
Awe you're so nice :)
I like to think if myself as a positive person. I did have a breakdown day though. But it was pretty fast.
You're really nice though, varsha :)

I just hope it turns out alright for you. I will pray that life gets easier and more lively sooner than ever for you and your family. :-)

Tzeene’s Profile PhotoTzeene
It's better now :) we still have the house so that's good
And I'm almost graduated now
Liked by: casey

I've been having quite bad days.. years lately as well, so I might just know how it feels when stuff like that would happen. I'm not sure what I should say to you: Life goes on and you need to keep living it? or If there's anything I can do to share your stress? I don't know really, (Cont.2)

Tzeene’s Profile PhotoTzeene
It was almost 6 years ago so it was hard then but I'm fine. Actually I was always emotionally fine it was just hard to make up lies on why my homework wasn't done or why I was late for school.
But are you okay?
Liked by: casey

Hi there! I'm Tzeene, you probably don't know me, but one of my friends liked your answer about what had been going on with you, and this sounds like I have been stalking you but I really couldn't stay without pointing out how brave I think you are. (Cont.)

Tzeene’s Profile PhotoTzeene
I've seen you around :)

I'm so sorry about your dad. I hope you're okay, and remember, we love you tons, Tabitha! <3

I'm fine now. I got over it in seventh grade (it actually didn't stop. It's just more spread out now)
But thanks :)
Liked by: casey

Does writing make writing for school easier?

Lol I thought it would but when they keep making you write about stupid topics and articles that'll bore you to tears from your ears, no. It's not any easier.
Liked by: Princess Mar

What web browser do you use?

When we first got our Mac we didn't wanna stay for a tutorial with the guy so we couldn't find the "Internet" for literally 3 weeks. It was a hard three weeks.
Liked by: Amy T¥L€R

Tabitha u two r perf and ur making me feel bad cause I'm a forever alone unicorn :(

Lol I'm forever alone until someone finally likes me back

What is the worst font?

Omg if you even whisper times new roman, I'm going to smack the knowledge out of your head.


Language: English