

Ask @omgpoptarts

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u have volleyball today?

i had bought the uniform spandex yesterday and we take our group picture with our uniforms on on tuesday after practice.
and today i did nice, i guess. we find out if we're on varsity or jv next week :)


Varsha20’s Profile Photovarsha
That show is raising up a horrible generation.
Look at honey boo boo.

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They're supposed to be playing with doll and stuff. Not talking about break-ups and first kisses.

Varsha20’s Profile Photovarsha
Lol right?
I just need some food to calm me down before I walk to the nearest elementary school and start giving lectures to kids that aren't there because its summer break.

Kids of nowadays. Some of us have been single since birth and she's just there claiming that i'm stealing her man. He looked 9

Varsha20’s Profile Photovarsha
Idek what to say anymore.

She like 10 and she just sass mouthed me and I'm just there being awkward. My life is weird.

Varsha20’s Profile Photovarsha
She's 10?
When I was ten, I was worrying about fractions, not boyfriends.
Najdbsisksjoa that girl.

it probably is. i'll try to find it later, haha. and my mome is like that too. she literally takes 15 minutes to respond to a text and all the text will say is: see you later. idek how she manages tbh

Right? Not only can she not text, she can't say a normal sentence either. Like I'm not kidding she can't text.
Liked by: no

Lol it was okay for me cause him and I are pretty close friends. But Oh god, I wanted to die then. And Ugh, i know how you feel. There was this girl in primary who thought everyone was out to steal her boyfriend. This one time i asked him for a pencil and she just went cray cray.

Varsha20’s Profile Photovarsha
Lol why does the chick in primary school even worrying about a boyfriend, or better yet, have one?
I'm 16 and have always been single.
She should only be worrying about what color crayon she's gonna color her pony.
Liked by: fae or val

HAHAHAHAHAH. /crying/ your response to the mom question was so full of sass and wit and ya. you go gurl xoxo

Oh hey, Lola. :)
I think our conversation is lost I'm your inbox lol.
But really, my mom doesn't know how to type or text or work the Internet.

Cause ppl were being mean to meh and impersonating me on the web -arshi

But if they impersonate you now, everyone will think it's you because there isn't a second account to counteract it. :/

Hi, Tabitha. It's your mom!

Too bad my mom is next to me filling out chiropractor forms and two hours ago (when this was sent) she was driving me to volleyball practice.
Liked by: theo June

Setting up a new account was such a pain in the butt my god. But I'm back.

Awe you're so pretty and your teeth are all white (and kik is kind of awkward because you may or may not be the topic but you're not there so ya know)
Please stop being pretty. Or at least share.
Liked by: June

OH MY GOSH TABITHA THAT'S HILARIOUS! I mean it's also sad but it's just like i'm crying

Glad my relationship status humors you lily.
Nice to know (lol I'm kidding :) )
Liked by: theo

i had to put that on tinypic because i had saved it earlier but then i couldnt find it again

I hate when google just won't cooperate and give me what I want.

oh yea i know. I pmed her and she told me. I thought something bad happened lol

Lol I figured it was all fine because she would've told us :P
Liked by: theo


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