

Ask @omgpoptarts

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WIAT tabitha I heard about you and the twinkies! you realise that if you eat too many, you're going to get fat and explode? like a twinkie, you'll be filled with cream. YOU NEED TO STOP

i need to paint my nails.

HAHAHA FARAH faaabitha fabithafabithafabitha i'm sorry but i ship it to the extreme + i hear you have an unhealthy obsession with twinkies c;

so this was operation "twinkie" huh, mar?
i see. i gotchu.
Liked by: cora Princess Mar

dude what is up with you and twinkies

nothing. but the actual twinkies are back in stores since july 15th.

HAVE YOU SEEN HIM IN THE AWARDS OMG HE'S HANDSOME TABS. You know what's funny about the movie? ROBIN IS IN IT. As in robin from how I met your mother? Please tell me you watch that show.. If its a no, I'm just going to cry.

i guess you're about to start crying here, tasbiha.

Nah you could totally keep it as Bradley Cooper. Or that attractive villain with a British accent from the avengers aka Loki.

i watched the avengers in theatres and basically i was cracking up at his face the whole time. he looks 90 (compared to his actual age) and is basically unlucky in the looks department for me...
i sound so negative rn, ugh.

Make the galaxy thing your background and be kewl lyk meh

or i could go outside and change my background to a photo of my mailbox.

Of course, opinions clash. THE GALAXY DESIGN THING IS SUPER COOL. Tbh it's my phones background haha

my phones background is a storm i took a picture of because i'm pretty lame.

He's a singer who is driving me insane. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruyaKdPfTN4

oh, i understand (not really)
JUST KIDDING (not really)
i hate you (not really)
i'm sorry this is the result of me getting 4 hours of sleep last night. idek what i'm talking about. (i'm sorry if this offends you. i care. we're thugs together, girl)


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