

Ask @omgpoptarts

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People are saying you're ugly? lolol you're gorgeous what are they on

lol yeah i got like 4 "youre ugly" (oh, wait, i'm sorry. they say "your ugly") messages since two days ago maybe?
i mean, i don't think i'm offended.
but ever since 6th grade, idk how to tell my emotions that much anymore so i'm pretty neutral about a lot of stuff.
awe, sallie :') you're too kind. (tbqh, you're prettier js)
Liked by: Elise Alyssa

on a different note, what's the update on fabitha?

Princess Mar
lol nothing since the last post you saw sunday on what happened :P
well, i mean there is, but i don't want to cause a hype over it. it's too far away for me to stress about now.
i told dav dav and my other friend on wattpad about it though.

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OH MY GOSH I NEED TO WRITE THAT AS A STORY ABOUT TABITHA I'll call it Tabitha: The Kentucky Hillbilly Poptart

go ahead.
i'm pretty sure you'd incorporate fabitha as the best hillbilly couple and me being a poptart makes us star crossed lovers or something lolol
Liked by: Alyssa

I'm so sorry you've been receiving all of this hate recently. Not only have people been hating on you,but your friends and that's beyond wrong. It's not okay to drop racist comments and get away with it. Black is beautiful and so are you. NEVER let anyone make you feel inferior. You're beautiful <3

you're really, really sweet :)
oh my gosh, idek how to respond here.
just thanks :)

Some do, though. They try to influence others as well. But yep, they're just scared people trying to make sense out of their narrow minded thinking.

i'm done with haters.
they literally can't hurt me anymore.
they're pathetic.
Liked by: Kareema

That's so...appropriate. I don't quite like it when people do that in real life tbh

that's the thing: they don't do this in public.
because they know they'll get the crap beat out of them.
Liked by: Kareema

I usually get raged haha

no i stopped getting mad at this stuff a while ago when i finally realized that this is the internet and how hilarious it sounds if they said "i go on the internet to ask.fm and send hate to girls i don't like because i have no friends."
really, though, they aren't worth anyone's time. it's a stranger across the country who only knows what you post.
Liked by: Kareema

I've come across racists, in real life. I gave one a lecture and tried to forgive her. That's the spirit, Tabitha. c;

i'm not even mad, though. i'm just pretty much annoyed lol
Liked by: Kareema

another hate account. what is wrong with people oh my gosh do they even have lives lol

apparently not.
but this one is a racist.
i hope they know i'm from kentucky where (i'm not gonna lie here) there's tons of racism?
like, no, it doesn't even affect me. they can swerve.
Liked by: Kareema

stop talking about me hoe GET OVER IT you got your littlelick of attention NOW BACK TO THE FIELD

um, i'm sorry, what attention? no one has even liked your questions, i'm sure nobody saw it?
how about you stop acting like a freakin nutcase and get off the computer.
Liked by: Kareema

hELP; what do i watch today? [all three movies have channing in them bc i've become obsessed with his movies after she's the man] - 21 jump street - dear john or - the vow? i've heard they're all amazing. OPINIONS PLEASE

if you want to watch a really good movie with the worst ending in history, watch the vow. i could've back slapped every producer and director on set for that one.
i heard 21 jump street was good but i haven't seen it and dear john sounds good too :)
Liked by: Alyssa

you have a kik gimme gimme c; you can send it to me in a question and i won't reply xox

you can have it, idc. lol.
is kik supposed to be a private thing?
like, am i supposed to keep it confidential? because idc to tell everyone. if someone gets it that shouldn't ill just block them


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