

Ask @omgpoptarts

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When I try to mash my online life and real life: last night, I randomly yelled, "I ship (my friend's name) and (other friend's name)!! Right, guys?" They all stared at me like, euuh? One of them said, "What is ship?" Whoops.

Wait, where even did ship originate anyways? Is it British?
It has to be British.
Pretty sure it's British.
I mean, who else would say ship? It's British.
British people and their gorgeous accents, CURSE YOU!

Yeah, it'll be something to laugh about soon enough. Still want to murder that lady tho.


She was a rude jerk lady who hated us for no reason and wanted us out of her house at fucking midnight when there were no buses anymore. We stayed anyway because fuck her, my friend wanted us to stay and yeah, stuff happened that caused 0 sleep and sitting on the floor from 3-8am.

Oh dear.
Is everyone okay

It's because of that fucking sleepover, I swear I feel like slapping my friend's step mom.

oh my gosh what happened? D:
Liked by: Alyssa

NO, I don't know how Bieber Fever and One Direction Infection work but I know that their die hard fans have them. Okay, forget it. I'm just really bored and drunk in the did-not-sleep-for-48-hours-straight way.

whoa, maybe you should sleep.
it repairs the body.
if you don't your brain will shut down and you'll go to sleep in an awkward place in an awkward position.
Liked by: Alyssa

So um, I have Fabitha Dementia. You know, like, Bieber Fever and One Direction Infection? No? Okay :< #midnightrandomness

is this your way of saying you're deprived of fabitha or something or...?
Liked by: Alyssa

I hope everything works out with the guy you like :) You're an amazing girl and any guy would be lucky to have you x

oh my gosh, who even are you? you're so nice :')
come off anon and let me rain you with my virtual love for internet people :')
(i'm not really all that amazing just trip a lot) but thanks! awe! :)
Liked by: Alyssa

Haha well then keep it the same

but have you /seen/ the one i have now?
it's like i want my reader's eyes to bleed or something.
Liked by: s Alyssa

Well then spend more time on it

but its already done and if i spend too much time on a cover it'll look the same way my room did before i cleaned it.
Liked by: Alyssa s

Ohh Sophie likie the cover

i'm not sure if i do. i made it in like 5 minutes and i feel i should've spent more time on it or something...
Liked by: Alyssa s

Don't try to change the subject tabs. Also I don't watch sports other than the Olympics.

i can change it if i want to. like i am right now. i just made this cover and idek if i'm happy with it. i keep changing this book's cover, oh my gosh.

Sophie does talk in third person and never will she eat your dust

where is this conversation going, oh my gosh.
Liked by: s

idk :o i missed youuuu

I thought you didn't log on here my more :')
But then again my ask unfollowed three trillion people sooo

Wow, your sister's married? How old is she, then?

She turned 27 Monday.
She got married in September.


Language: English