

Ask @omgpoptarts

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so i was stalking you. -flips hair- and saw you on the forum about boys and was wondering, what is this 'google thing' you were talking about.

Nice hair flip.
You can search actual pictures in google now to see similar pictures or how many results of that picture there are. It's new and called "search by image".
For 80% of the guys population on Wattpad are fake and the pictures that are attractive are all from tumblr or some Russian teen site.
Open two windows, make one with Wattpad smaller, the bigger one pull up google, and when you see a profile pic on a page, drag it to te google search bar and click enter. When it says no results, click "rather search by image".
Bam. 200,000 results and the same freakin photo, therefore making the guy fake and busting a desperate girl making a guy account.

nope those theory stuff force me to memorize a shitload of crap

Well since I forgot about what we were talking about, in other news, I finally left the ghetto.
Can we all just celebrate that I came out in almost one piece?

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NOT LYIN GURL and yay, how was florida?

Florida? You mean my trip from 3 weeks ago? It was good (besides the hospital trip).
I got so many things.
So many things I lost.
Like, seriously the car had to eat my souvenirs. I left Florida with them and got out d the car with one ring.
Liked by: Shany

cryinggg,, so what's up with you besides your pretty self?

My pretty self?
You've seen it before, right?
Don't lie.

Don't worry. Omigod wow. It's been raining here non stop as well and tmrw we have this big 50th party at my house. And their still so much to do but on the bright side I'm all dressing up and gonna be pretty tmrw

Oh my sisters surprise party is tomorrow :)
But I got sparklers from this dollar store saying, "Please make sure your purse is zipped before entering."
They were on sale for a dollar.

So furnace huh? Did you name him that bc you find him hot or something? Cause furnaces are supposed to be hot.. Yeah..

Now lets not talk about it.

Did you rap your love for him?

No. It was a game show and I was rapping.
I really can't remember if he was there or not oops

list the names of all the books that you own, please? (:

Well if I actually buy a book and read it, when I'm done I donate it to a library or children's place or something so I have none. But I'll tell you the ones I had :)
Bailey school kids series
Dear dumb diary series
The clique series
Sarah dessen books
Moonglass by Jessi kirby
Second chance summer
Leaving paradise sequel
And these books I haven't read yet because the reviews were bad and I'm scared
Liked by: Shany

Dw this kid has no money to fly over anyways. U won't be expecting me soon

What's dw?
Good. It's been raining nonstop anyways.
And the fireworks sounded like bombs

Yo PT. There's this girl in my class who copies everything I say or do. It's like she's picking up after a few days, and it's annoying me to no end. I told her about it a few months ago, and she said sorry, but she's starting it again. ._.

Confront her again or do something stupid and watch her repeat it.

He got busted for being fake? what when

8 hours ago. I old a girl how to search his profile pic and she did and he's fake lolol

breakfast: equality lunch: bravery dinner: freedom

Princess Mar
There's no such thing as breakfast, lunch, and dinner for me.
It's called "I'm hungry and I'm eating" time.


Language: English