

Ask @orangeyman8


What will you do 😊😠😳in your old age?

Meditate, read, author academic studies. Perhaps I'll have a family.

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Last😦👦 person to make you happy?

Happiness isn't to be strived for, equanimity is. I also don't think other people make people happy, it is the person who makes themselves happy.

How long would you like 😀😑to live, why?

I don't mind, we're all just part of a process, and that process is neither good nor bad - it just is. My life is a part of that process, and however it ends up is simply what happens.

☺️😏😑😦😳🙄What are you regretting the most?

I would say there are certain things I would like to change, but I don't regret anything. Things happened the way they happened, and that just is.

What would you do if you only had 24 hours left 👨👧to live?

I would appreciate those moments the same as I would like to appreciate every moment. I would probably just meditate, and perhaps spend a little time with family and friends.

A short relay: A daughter?or a😡 son?? Cola?or Fanta?? By air✈or by land?? Mind?or beauty?? Apartment?or house?? Black◼or white◻? Strawberry?or banana?? Whale?or dolphins?? Анgel?or demon?? Sunny?☀or cloudy☁☔? Pass on to everyone you are following murr


Citation that😎😏😮😨👩👨👨 describes you

Citation? What? Like a book? I don't know what book would describe me, perhaps a book about Buddhism

Police:Where do you live? Me: With my parents. Police: Where do your parents live? Me: With Me. Police: Where do you all live? Me: Together. Police: Where is your house? Me: Next to my neighbors house. Police: Where is your neighbors house? Me: You won't believe me if I tell you. Police: Tell Me!

Oh would you look at that, as if locations exist. Everything exists relative to something else, but it is all one coexisting process. Nothing is inherently distinct from anything else, all distinctions are psychologically constructed

Language: English