
My Aim Sucks

Ask @osu_hdhr

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https://osu.ppy.sh/u/MyNameIsDream my osu userpage if want add me ~ im friendly to japaneses and koreans peoples bc i want to be there culture i really watch anime alot and learn new words like ohayo!~~ desu~~ and my fav- Baka! xD its so fun animes i want move to japan or koreans so i can fun life

You are konoyaaro hater or real konoyaaro?
Liked by: Finshie? jul

Hii my name konoyaaro (mynameisdream my osu name if add*~*) but im like japaneses and koreans cultures so i want to be friends with all since they so nice to all. one day i want to grow to be japanese and koreans and live in the house with them and eat yummy foods like sushi and seafood all day~ hi!

ok I thought that's you
Liked by: jul

Hi im french, I like talk and share with koreans and japaneses ppl. I "LOVE" korean's and japanese's meals dafuq ! (Bibimbap, Tteokbokki, Ramen, Yakisoba..and so much great meals yet) .. Humaï !! *~* My favourite girl gender is tsundere.. ( so kawaii desu '-' .. Yes i'ma tsun-chick too 'w' )

oh my god. Reading your weebs literally give me brain anime. Is my normal human language too hard for you? You dumb dumb ah weeb? You do not understand question? Must i dumb down my answers for you so your little pea-size fuckbrain can understand? Don't you realize, that no one likes you? Your annoying. "you ah very da stupid weebweeb". For shit, 2D anime girls and the rest pretty much hate you too. Im just voicing out what they wanted to say for a long time. Your obviously fucking dumb not to understand anything. Are you like otaku or something? Jesus. You are not a person. You are something less of a human. Learn to fuck off. Seriously, just close your fucking weeb browser or whatever you use for ask.fm.

jkjk i know you're not aim god but seriously try that map for ez pp

dude pls. AR is 9.3
I cant read with HDDT

오 저 옛날에 친구가 그 agor.io 린크를 보네서 가봤는데 전 그런걸 아주 무서워서 그때 울 뻔했어요 ㅠㅠ 이런건 남한테 보네는게 아니에요 ㅠㅠㅠ

이상한 링크는 무조건 안들어가는게 좋아요 ㅜㅜ

agor.io best music website ever :')

I didn't surprised because I googled first then connected that link and that's not fun
Also anon is fucking stupid and retarded person haha
Liked by: dagresha nick


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