
andrea rio

Ask @peakabooo

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Describe. Alyssa.

oh another chick eh.
well this one's really yellow (i'm sorry sarah's the only unique, dang what has mother hen been doing) and barely has any eyebrows. ok im kidding, it doesn't show up on pictures but trust me, she does have em. she just likes to keep em under wraps ya know cos daz swag. this one is the one that has this endless supply of the perfect images to fire right back at you and her sass' gonna blind you. she's hilarious like she can just bring you into an empty room and you'll end up puking you guts out cos she's just that funny.
she cares a lot for the people around her and she's very considerate, steadfast and a woman of integrity. but no srsly, she knows what to do to help back you up and for that i'm thankful to have someone like her in my life. oh and by the way, do you know what's alyssa fav past time? it's scrolling through weheartit.com! no way right? she's so hip and cool! ♡
but yea anyway, this kid's ratchet but nice but bogus but amazing but weird but friendly but my homie. i'm telling ya, this one's a keeper too.
i sound like my grandpa whAt

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Liked by: Joyceeee shmee

If you were famous what would you be famous for?

for having the bestest friends anyone could ever have. there are just so many people i wish to thank right now and knowing me if i were to name everyone i would probably forget someone important (and i hate for that to happen) to my friends who oh so kindly hacked (i would use another decent word but) into my account and helped me answer questions with such sass and power and to everyone who offered me comfort and cheered me up. you guys are all the best and though this may sound so incredibly cheesy and sappy there is nothing else better than seeing so many people being there for you. thank you so so so much.
and to my dear anon- screw you.
Liked by: Joyceeee

What TV shows do you watch?

jersey shore and keeping up with the kardashians.
lyk sRsLY THeiR AwzMZXC!!1! <333 xx :*
Liked by: shmee

describe meeeee

Omg ok where do I start firstly I think you're amazing and you're just someone I like listening to like I can shut up for seven hours and just listen to you talk about 600 topics you wish to rant about. I love how you make weird and pointless nicknames for ppl and idk bout them but I LOVE it I think everyone needs to have that one weird and loud friend that yells their nickname across the canteen ya. Whaddup creator of Mexican Squad?!1?1?1!1! And don't even get me started on your reactions and facial expressions like oh my god just watching you across the class and seeing your face when someone says smth stupid pRICLESS AHAGHAHAHA Can we also talk about how hardworking you are like when w0w you are my inspiration!¡!!¡! O yes woman your frickin perfume collection is to die for like bloody hell you always smell good?!!?! Aha you and your feelers and your tissues that wipe away the sweat dripping profusely down your forehead (I said that in your 'enraged feelings' tone) and you and your 'SAY I' and your endless pinoy comments like I strongly encourage you to keep reminding me of my natural heritage I believe too much of this Singaporean lifestyle has led me forget my tru inner pinoy aggahahahahha
ok mOVING ON...
In all seriousness Steph you make me so worried bout you sometimes and I rly wanna just buy you all your bags from your fav brand (I can't seem to recall the name omg) but nEVERTHLESS I'm so happy and proud of who you are now. Remember that I'll always be here to back you up ok.
Ehheeh love you chelle see you tmr!! <333
(I know you asked me a describe milogram qn before and I didn't get to ans it cos lazy so I hope this length makes up for it)

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Liked by: chenille

hey do you have any song recommendations? :-) {asking random people whom i follow}

High school musical soundtrack
Liked by: bye

i unfollowed you lol

I'm sorry is there some protocol I need to follow cos you're making this sound like a big thing

if we dated I'll bring u to wherever u wna gooooo

*plays Wherever you go by Hannah Montana as background music in a suggestive environment with low lighting and maroon couches*
Liked by: chenille

who do you know eats the most but doesn't get fat?

Oh I've got a list of bastards for you
Michelle Seah Min Hui
Cheryl Natasha Pereira
Melissa Ching Sue Ting
Victoria Foo Kye Wen
All you lil shits
Liked by: eILEEN


Language: English