
princess l i e n;

Ask @pointzerofive

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how friendly is carissa

super friendly! true at first she might seem shy but if you say hi to her, she'll carry on the conversation and she's such an amazing friend (i'm kinda proud and jealous of that trait) because once you're friends with her...
Liked by: nico oppa

hmm, are you interested in jrock? do you still remember all of your friends from aff? have you seen snk?

of course i remember them! :) tbh aff was my... "nursery ground" if it wasnt for that site and for the amazing people there; i wouldn't be.. well.. better.. i've learned how to initiate convos, how popularity works, how your worth does NOT equal to what people think of you, how happy and unbiased people there are and they're so so open to improvement, how to take compliments and criticism.i don't think i'll ever leave aff. true some people are too much, but the ratio for good and bad is like, 100 to 1 i kid you not.
as for jrock; i've listened to one ok rock & other korean bands that have japanese albums (i think it's the trend in japan, right? their rock is really edgy and strong) i'm free to any recommendations tho! if you know an awesome jrock band or an in love with some, please share to this kouhai :)
and snk.. well i've read the manga but i think i gave up 1/5th of the way. i was only in that part where the turns into a titan (or whatever you call those giants without genitals) and tries to go to his basement bc cure or something. uhm, i think the whole concept is cool and nice and i can see why people love it :) but you see, i've come to the point where i know what I LIKE and what i DONT LIKE and i'm not going to waste time on things that don't... entertain me that much. it's amazing, i know. just not to me :)

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who are your closest twitter friends?

most of the people i talk to in twitter are dear friends of mine (?) but i guess-- carissA, eliah, val da and yna who never lets me chansoo in peace idk i love everyone i follow

lien where do we talk I want to talk lien lien

{ e l i a h }
i am so sorry i am so sorry but my eyes are shutting alr // i should have slept earlier // ISTG ILL MAKE IT UP TO YOU BY WRITING YOU SOME LUKAI SMUT OK OK LUKAI drabble when i wake up let me get my beauty rest first i love you (so much that i refuse to talk without using my mind)
Liked by: { e l i a h }

What do you like to do on the weekends?

just stay at home, probably
[it's too hot to go outside i kid you not]
when i'm not being all hermit, i actually go to the mall / those Fun City thingies / going on roadtrips and scout the whole country for awesome burger shops [i'm not joking dad drives us to other emirates / states to try out burgers. he's cool like that. right now, there's this place called Burger Fuel and it's all exo-freidnly and their EVERYTHING IS HUGE; but it's still new so i'm not sure if they have that on other countries ;~;]

What do you think about Jira?

well she's super pretty and kind and she likes embarrassing pictures of xiumin and she's my self proclaimed wifeu

What is byuntaehood?

an online thug group which consists of an old lady (mel), myself, and people who are perpetually confused about their ages (elle, carissa, brenda, jira, czarina, alyssa)
Liked by: nico oppa

OMG THAT PERSON WHO ASKED ABOUT ME WHAT IM LAUGH anyway, question: do you like chest hair?

never in a million years
but chest hairs are cool....
AS LING AS THEY're not touching ME

you speak arabic???????

haha no i can just read/write and understand a teeeeny bit. i live in an arab country so... i can't expect everyone to speak english so i try :)

i THOUGHT YOU were a kyungsoo stan :((

i am just look really deeper. i am. it's just hidden by $uhoe's bling blings.

what is your impression of carissa now and then

nico oppa
carissa then was super reserved :P i mean, really shy and withdrawn online but as months passed, she became more friendly towards others and i'm super proud of that. IM JUSY WATCHING HERE YOU GO CARISSA plus she's always been crazy she's only voicing it out now :) /wipes tears and hugs/
Liked by: nico oppa

How much would it cost to buy your love?

hmm calculate the cost of a laptop and internet connection and a fancy two storey-house that's how much

do you know someone on aff called 'oneofthboys'? she kind off reminds me of you (:

elle? yup :) she's a friend of mine and she's really sweet plus she's into luyoon so it's cool :)
Liked by: elle nico oppa

tips on concentration? dedication? i fnd it difficult to focus on one thing and one thing only you seem to be really mature and intelligent

trust me, i'm not where did that come from
don't listen to eli i'm not intelligent
uhm, i have trouble focusing on things myself and i'm not "dedicated" enough. i think. probably the best thing that i can offer you is an advise i'd been trying to follow & it always, seems to work for me (at least when i TRY). something along the lines of "whatever you do, make sure to give it your 100% all. if you love, do it passionately. if you're doing something you love, pour your heart into it. if you hate someone, hate them with all you've left to hate." {read: don't be half-assed (i learnt this the hard way)}
/shies away on the corner of shame/
but but but! i hope that whatever it is you're trying to concentrate on, you'll pull it off well :)
Liked by: { e l i a h }


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