
princess l i e n;

Ask @pointzerofive

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your always talking to a few people

i guess i am and i don't see anything wrong with that (?) true, i might not reply quickly on twitter but i'm always talking to unnirs on tumblr and sometimes i open line and stay there. i kinda feel like convos should be more... provate now (?) idk. just not showy.

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nope! no no no! but since dubai is like 80% expatriates; i figured "why not learn what they're talking about" and 10000% of my motivation to learn is that "i just want to know if you're talking shit behind my back mate". i think it really helped that i'm surrounded by foreign people (?) and it's super CUTE when they're struggling to ask you something like "where did you get your bag" or for directions and they try to english and you catch them off guard by going all mohammed ali on their faces i'm sorry i couldn't resist it's super cute!
Liked by: nico oppa

UNNNIE WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE GERMAN LANGUAGE what languages do you want to learn?>

i think it's lovely and guttural~
i want to learn how to speak german but i'm the kind of person who's afraid to screw pronunciations up, i mean. i want everything to be perfect. down to the last syllable, even the accent. so it would take me forever to learn it. for example, with arabic. i had to drown myself in the babble of my arab friends for months before i could open my mouth to speak. french wasn't so bad, mostly because i had a teacher and 34 other students who could screw up the pronunciations alongside me & films that are subtitled/ uh. i want to learn latin, italian and greek! :) especially latin.

recommend me dating games!!! that are like in english but look like those japanese ones

nico oppa
i'll write it in your ask once i remember them! ; w ; altho they were mostly online

-rec anon- i am not a politician for rlz tho r u a feminist

w o r l d peace!!!!!!
"for rlz tho" if i can quote you uh, i believe that women should be given equal rights as men but the thing that really puts me off is the need to LABEL people as this or that. can't i just support boobs in peace (?) i just want to be "she who supports boobs but is not a bra"

-rec anon- are u a feminist

hehe~ i just.. believe in...
w o r l d. peace.
when in doubt, say world peace everyone likes world peace.

what makes lien proud

why are you asking me in this fashion why
uh; final practices; when the choreography is nailed and everyone is heaving; pats on the back; when i see a friend receive an award; when my little brother learns a big word; when someone tells me something i wrote touched them; army men; volunteer workers; single moms; students working part time; people who've achieved their goals; when i look at the mirror after 923919 millennia of pounding makeup on my face

what makes lien happy

pretty boys with full eyebrows; peppermint ice cream; new comments; sesoo; chansoo; seeing an elderly couple hold hands; waking up to an absolutely quiet house; my grandparents doing nothing together; grand dad's wine cellar; climbing avocado trees; reading as it rains; carissa; eliah; elle; byuntaehood spams; that moment when i'm 0.5 seconds away from posting a new fic; my childhood friend samuel who is now samantha;

whatcha doiiiin ryt now

..answering and writing and... watching this movie that's pretty wacko.
[this is how you can cope after an onslaught of one ok rock feels]


Language: English