
princess l i e n;

Ask @pointzerofive

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i'm waiting patiently for the day you'll update your seolay fanfic.orz

aww. i feel extremely guilty (ha no) but i don't think i'll be writing that anytime soon. i'm not sure... maybe in a few more months? i'm really sorry

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"incinerate the unworthy" in your lj. why is that?

i wanted something tough, you know? and incinerate the unworthy sounds like something an officer in the 60s would say plus it sounds cool.
Liked by: elle

drabble; any pairing, based on the prompt: "but if we loved again, i swear i'd love you right."

/i really didn't want to say this but-- mianhae~
;; i actually have a twoshot planned alr with subtle reference with that line so yeah! i'll just dedicate it to you for being wonderful •.~
Liked by: nico oppa elle

Which was your most memorable birthday?

this year's! i can't remember much of my old birthdays but this year my parents threw a huge party and near midnight i ended up sneaking out with a couple of friends, drove around and watched movies from an open air cinema (dark skies and cold air and free popcorn ok)

What do you like best about your hometown?

it's well, a small town. everyone knew everyone and there weren't many cars around. i literally lived in the middle of nowhere like if you come into my hometown the first thing you'd see is a graveyard coated in shrubs and one-lane roads. i liked it bc i felt safe there. i knew that a cute jap oppar lived there and his mother ran a restaurant near our house and i knew that a chicken drumstick used to cost 5 php and that every sunday my grandma would take me to the busy part of town and buy me a mango shake.
so yeah. it's a comfort to me ;) but things changed so..

Tell me a good night story ;A;

{ e l i a h }
uhm, i'm not good with bedtime stories but okay once upon a time there was a boy named eliah and a prettier boy named kai. now eliah is awkward and cute while jongin is bomb diggidy. they're classmates, neighbors (bring in all the cliche!) and eliah rlly likz jongin bc hot. then he became sad when he found out that jongern liked someone else and disappointed eliah is disappointed but then tanananaaananaaan. here comes sehun. he and eliah became friends and jongin started to get closer to eliah bc sehun and in the end the three of them really just loved each other and they had the sex the end
Liked by: { e l i a h } elle

What's your favorite phrase in a foreign language?

"memento mori" - latin - remember that one day, you will die
or something along that line. it's a prevalent theme when it comes to art and there are some paintings that are associated with that phrase. usually, they would have those skulls poised beside a vibrant, glowing man. and i think it's lovely.
Oh oh! and one of the main origins of that phrase / why it was widespread is bc of this roman soldier dude who happened to be so great people would praise him wherever he goes and he decided to have his servant to whisper to him "memento mori" every once in a while to remind him of that even after all this, you can't outwit death.
that's scary and cool.
Liked by: uselessminds

whats the latest message in your ask nd what is it about

.... ..... ......
from claudia and it's nothing just the usual spazzing about junmen and baekyeol and catching up on things
......... ...... ....
.... ...
altho i havent replied yet..

do you know anyone who had plastic suurgery before?

i follow this girl on tumblr and yeah.. her. she's super pretty! :D

What do you love the smell of? 

the smell of baby diapers he he he • _ •
but really, fabric softeners like downy URGHS


Language: English