
magical fairy

Ask @punkrock854

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Are you going to do any sports at McNair

well, I'm doing cheer now, but I'm going to do softball towards the end of the year 🙌🏼

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bruhh wtf, how are you going to look more fly then me tho? you look fresh to death in that ootd

wuuttt.. thanks fam 😏

are you 14 or 15?

Im 14
Im a 2000 baby, so whatever year it is.. is how old I'll be towards the end of the year .. make sense?

did you ever have to have temperature taken with the rectal thermometer, that was the absolute worst, lol

lmao noo never, now I know why that was your worst

Whats your worst/best thing about being sick as a kid?

worst : I had to drink some nasty mexican remedies
best : mom would buy me a toy

If someone disagreed with you (for example if someone believed men are dominant) and there was a chance for them to get hypnotized to change their opinion, do you think that would be okay if it means their opinion will match yours?

nah fam

I think you guys should get back you guys were so cute I never saw him so into a girl like how he was with you.

nah, not happening, ever.

does Chris smell good? is he one of those boys that you'd want to hug to get his scent on for the rest of the day ? 😂


Do you play any sport?

I've played a couple sports, but I do cheer right now. If you even consider that a sport.


Language: English