Ask @qllyy

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If you were really hungry, really exhausted, AND really gross, what would you do first — eat, nap, or shower?

Liked by: ab

How was your trip?

my trip was grEAT (get it) hahaha i met loads of new people and of course got to see my sister again! skiing was fun too and i had the best instructor
it passed soo quickly but i am so relieved to be back home finally ANDDD i can't wait to see my friends
Liked by: ab

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Is it bad that im 15 and ive never had a boyfriend / first kiss in FACt i dont even have guy friends and im quite lonely im so worried for jc like..... What if everyone has a boyfriend and I dont even have a boy friend :(

it's not bad!! please don't worry about these things yet, they don't really matter at this age and everyone goes at their own pace - don't push yourself to do something if you're not ready. AND you will be completely FINE in jc, the more you worry the harder it will be the make friends because you'll be so conscious about yourself. relax :)
Liked by: ab

opinion on the whole Adam lambert situation? Please?

I am disgusted and APPALLED at how narrow-minded and dimwitted some people can be. We live in the 21st century, Singapore, WAKE THE FUCK UP??!!?!!!???!??!????!
Liked by: ab laetitiafelicita

[Weekly Reminder] - " when it rains, look for rainbows, when it's dark, look for stars " Sometimes it feels like life is grey, 😭 Or like nothing will ever go your way. 😔 But hang in there, and wait and stay, 😌 For tomorrow is another day 🙌 Have a lil faith and stay humble! As always 👉

x3Fiqqqq’s Profile PhotoSmileツ
so sweet
Liked by: ab Smileツ

Best things to do on a first date with a girl?

not a movie cuz mainstream
wander around orchard ;) scape has a good make out spot ;;))) (not that I would know) ;;;))))))
or go for a picnic at botanical gardens or something idk
Liked by: ab IZZY nicolette wong

What are you most scared of?

I'm in the mood for lengthy answers soo
being in the dark alone unless it's in my room
ghost stories
horror movies unless I'm with friends
feeling sad , who wants to feel sad??
the thought that one day I'll grow old and die and my life and what I've accomplished would be long forgotten and wouldn't matter to anyone
calculus and algebra
physics tests
um what else
Ms McBride and Ms Tully
really buff guys that can tear you down in like one second
people in older grades
people with nice hair (they mostly intimidate me not scare)
Flying especially on budget airlines because the planes are so small and you can FEEL THE TURBULENCE
going on long sea journeys and getting seasick
getting SICK
getting Fat
acne scares me too
Rejection and commitment
Really rural areas with no phone service
smart as heck people
self loathing and self punishment
my mom

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Liked by: ab

Pick one- Biology physics or chem?

biology because it's probably the most relatable
chem has so much memorization and physics is practically math soo

How are you even so good at basketball Oh my ballsucking god

I'm pretty sure this is sarcasm have you seen me play I look like a hyena on its hind legs trying to throw a ball and I fall a shit ton LOL HAHAHAHA
Liked by: ab

Where does your accent Come from?

I've always had the same accent
idk where it came from maybe my mom? She spent quite a few years studying in the UK
Liked by: ab


Language: English