
reana ira

Ask @reanaaaxo

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What's the best thing you've learnt in your life so far?

That not everybody is going to be pleased with your ideas or opinions or whatever, so just do whatever you want if you believe in something.

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Anon please, she can wear make up if she wants to. At least she does a good job at putting make up on. That's all that matters. When I was in 7th grade my make up skills weren't nearly that good. Still aren't :)

Awwww thank you :') ❤️
Liked by: Zali

Btw, if you really knew Gossip girls then you would know that he/she doesn't create drama he/she just tells people drama. You don't think I can compare? Watch me. This is going 2 be fun. ;)

Aisl Girl
Gossip Girl revealed 'herself' in the last episode and obviously 'she' did create drama as that was the whole point of the show. So please shut the hell up and get off my account because I really do not give a shit if you are going to create drama or not.

Y were u nd chen screamin 2day?

This was asked like 23 years ago (5 months ago) but, when do we ever not scream? x

If you were given a time machine to travel backwards in time, what are the three mistakes that you would want to rectify?

I'd teach myself:
1) While growing up, to teach me how to have confidence.
2) To never let anyone bring me down.
3) Trust is easy to break.

youve been reading the giver right ? for ms wallace? anyways whats your opinion on it? x

I finished it, it's so good. I love it so so much. It's such a good story. It honestly so fascinating and I got so into it :") It makes you think about the world.

U haven't blogged in 2 weeks

I know! I'm sorry about that. I was in a different city for a week and forgot to get my camera with me and this was 2 weeks ago and this week, I had way too much homework to even think about trying to take some pictures. Sorry :( A blogpost will be up soon!

U like bruno mars?

Yess - kind of explains my background. He's always been and always will be my all time favourite.

Who's someone in ur grade u wanna be frnds with?

I'm friends with everyone I think. I don't know the new people tho so maybe them :)

when r u going to start making vids for youtube ??

Well, I'm not exactly sure that I am for now, but hopefully very soon. I will be posting vlogs but not really beauty related stuff. I'll keep you posted x

How long does it take to create a blogpost?

It depends but usually around a day or two. I've been super busy and had no time to take pictures so that's why I haven't posted


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