

Ask @sacha166

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It does tho. Because then it means I'm stuck in second like I am now, and if I'm staying second, im keeping myself away


Well I can say no, or I can say yes... Why do I narrow it down for you? You have someone else it's not fair on them or you princess I'm sorry x

Just because I have someone else doesn't mean you can't tell me who you are

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Yes ofc we've spoken xD biggest regret of the past few years is not taking you super seriously because it could've been so much more :(

Have we met?

Okay so you've found certain pieces.... Now I said I missed an opportunity with you, now start making the Winnie the Pooh puzzle and we'll get there x

Fuck idk I'm dumb asf

Oh I know you well enough, I know a lot about you, but I'm not ruining your current one.. Wish I hadn't said anything now

How do you know a lot about me

I'm sorry but you'll have to drive yourself insane, please just forget I exist until I know I can make a move pls

Nah if you know me well enough then you'll know I won't and can't let this go

No clues nothing... I know I can't have you so why would I give anything away? Someday princess, all shall be revealed x

Omg no, it will drive me insane trying to figure it out

It's not fair on you, trust me. I'm not fucking up your life as well as mine, big until I know we can be together, until that day appears, you won't know who I am, I'm sorry babe, I really am :(

Just give me a clue

One day you'll know... But not now, I couldn't, you was always meant to be the one Sacha... You just was, someday I know I'll have you in my arms. Where you should be :( I regret the chance I didn't take

Please tell me/:

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Liked by: Charlie


Language: English