

Ask @sailorkelly

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do you still drink smoothies?

Once in awhile, yeah! But I recently ran out of spinach and bananas so not recently... LOL. I wanted to so badly like last week but I had no spinach and bananas, all I had were like strawberries, plums, and peaches. I could have blended those together but it wouldn't be thaaaat gr8. I usually add spinach because you can't taste it whatsoever and it's good for you heh. I also usually add bananas for the base since I don't add milk or any type of dairy, just straight up fruits or veggies.

have you tried sigma brushes?

Nope! I plan to in the future when I'm willing to splurge on a whole set of brushes.

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you are so funny and adorable I would totally date you if I was a guy :c i want to be your frienda lkgheag

WOW THANKS, wanting to be my friend makes me so happy but ya we could totally be friends!! It'll be fun!!

do you ever take a good picture of yourself and after staring at it for a while, it starts to look not so good?

LOL, I try not to stare at my pictures for too long cause I start to think "NOOOOOO THIS ISNT GOOD ENOOOOOOUUGHHH" HAHAHA. But I usually end up looking at them for too long cause I edit the lighting and color of the photo, ehh.

What kind of things are you interested in?

boys, anime, makeup, clothes, video games, manga, cosplay and ya food

What is the craziest thing you have ever done?

oh man one time there was this one time I did weed but turned out to be cooking spices
no jk that never happened

What's the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite gender?

their ass duh
loljk uh their smile and the way they dress

i feel so ugly in pictures, why are you so photogenic :(

Because of angles, lighting, filters, and all of that. LOL. If I were to take professional pictures, I don't look all that gr8 tbh. I look really different. YOU SHOULDN'T FEEL UGLY IN PICTURES!!!

make up at the drugstore is also becoming really pricey v__v

Omg, I know right. But I don't really buy drugstore products anymore, I usually just buy makeup online now since I read A LOT into them and a lot of the time they're cheaper online.. heh.

do you prefer dewy finish or matte?

I would like a dewy finish cause it looks really healthy but on my oily combination skin, it just doesn't work out. Ugh. So for me, a matte finish is fine!


WOW TELL ME ABOUT IT. Like the packaging compared to American products are like asndisfhndusil. Japanese or Korean makeup is extremely cute like some have faces!! The cute packaging makes me want to buy it more, LOL. AND SOME ARE REALLY GOOD!!

who do you usually hang out with during school? why do you feel lonely? :(

I don't wanna say any names but it's pretty obvious if you see me around with them but uhm idk like they're my friends but I just don't know how to explain it tbh. Like I can be myself with them but to an extent and I always feel like they're annoyed with me and just IDK I FEEL SAD

do you like your hair cut?

Well my bangs just ain't so bangin. But I'll see how I really like it after I shower cause the person who cut my hair curled my hair and put a bunch of products in my hair. I mean I don't mind too cause I can always let it grow out so it's fine!

What is your idea of paradise?

cute boys everywhere i go, free fast Internet, good company, good music, good food, and ya

how do you deal with days where you feel ugly? :C

I usually just let out my feelings by crying, LOL. Crying makes me feel relived after even though I feel totally shitty when I'm doing it.. sigh

I wish I was your friend at school. You seem so nice and sweet !

OMG THEN YOU SHOULD TOTALLY BE FRIENDS WITH ME CAUSE IM LONELY AND SAD ALL THE TIME. PLEASE BE MY SAVIOUR, I WILL BE MY BEST TO TAKE CARE OF YOU AS A FRIEND. But thank you so much, saying that means a lot to me omg. I wish I had friends at school like you. :c

how you do avoid late night snacks :C i dont snack during the day but then bam when I have to brush my teeth. idk. help :c

Omg I have to admit that I late night snack as well..... But a way to avoid it by sleeping early or giving yourself a mentality that you'll gain extra weight if you eat late night snacks. Or just try to drink a bunch of water everytime you get an urge to snack, you could also try to infuse your drink with fruits to give it more taste. I prefer strawberries and lemons mixed with my water. I just slice them up and put the, into my drink. you. You shouldn't eat past 9 PM. I tend to eat after 9 because I stay up late so I end up getting hungry which isn't the best and I totally admit it. Stop yourself from buying snacks cause a lot of the times you'll want to save it for later and when the time comes, you'll end up snacking on it at night! Sorry if this doesn't help!! I'm trying to stop myself from late night snacking as well cause it's so bad for you omg.

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Language: English