
Bean Matthias

Ask @Seanrichardm

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im going HMV too

Ahh I vill see u thar look for me I'll be listening to the featured music ;D it's my favourite spot

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What gift would you like to receive on the upcoming holidays?

Just give me a hug, some hot chocolate, some snow and I'm good to go.

Who in your life do you wish you’d met sooner?

Don't ask me that. It's questions like those that keep me up at night.

What things do you love?

Silence, scarves, snow, rain, fog, hugs, music and all that involves or revolves around music.

 i had pain and they used ultrasound on me to try and see my appendix but it was hidden. still had surgery to get it taken out. turns out my appendix was fine. it hurts to walk and even breathe, and im waddling around like a penguin right now.

Oh my god! That sucks yo. *hugs*

i heard you got ur wisdom tooth pulled out! do u look like a chipmunk now? :D

I actually don't because I only got 2 out (lucky me but also unfortunate because I have to deal with another 2 in like a month ughh) but I did for the first like 5 hours. I quickly recovered and I'm so thankful omg I might be at school tomorrow which meannnnnns THE PREMIERE OF THE CRISIS OF MACBUSH (english presentation) FINALLY
Liked by: Simon Lin

thoughts on Annelie, Elaine and Catherine B?

I say noonas because they've been listening to Kpop longer than I have, therefore they are older in kpop loving.
GORL when I look at the three individually, I separate them by the group I hear them talking about the most. Catherine Bao is all about BTS, Elaine is all about EXO and Annelie is all about Vixx (AW YIS annelie you win at life)
Annelie is really really sweet! I think she's like (excuse me if this is awkward) the female korean version of Federico :P AND SHE HAS RECENTLY BECOME A TOP 3 of my snapchat "favourites" LOL WATCH OUT ANIKA AND JANANI ;D and I can fangirl with her over Vixx so she's amazing in my books ;D
Elaine is such a cutiepie omg x) (see what I did thar? ;D) I think she's really funny and yeah :D I think in our group one of the biggest improvements in friendship with me has been with her, mostly I think because the connection with Kpop ahhaha. (did that last sentence make sense? xD) Like for example, I quickly got along with Janani because the connection with music was just there, and I didn't really get to talking with Elaine for a looong time. But then suddenly.. BLACK CORE ahahah
Catherine is still the queen of selfies yes. Before I even knew her I knew about her selfies. And yeah I think she is hilarious and really pretty!
And ofcourse I still can't thank them enough for coming our to our Kpop festival omghad it was so amazing to see them in the crowd like we were some superstars or something ;D We should have like a kpop listening get together or something. I think it's long overdue.

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idk what you're talking about my face is the most fabulous thing you can ever lay your eyes on

I think you're confusing your face with mine, honey

A great end?

Indeed. I walked my date outside after it all ended and the sudden change in temperature was just breathtaking. It was fantastic.

Actually Catherine is the one who wears your boots

THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT. y'all are getting it confused mate
but I think Jr has some boots too though

did you enjoy winter formal

I did! It was soo much fun, and it had its magical moments as well. Couldn't have asked for a better first dance experience (at high school anyways ;P)

Isn't Silvia just the funniest though? (;

I'm not even exaggerating, I was gonna put her down but then I realized the question said from south so yes. In my books, Silvia is the funniest. ;D

sean im givin u major props fr that answer 2 th question abt "potential" like maaaaan that is so fricked up but u have such a cool outlook on that. u just went up like 5000 points in my books (':

<3 Thanks! Just speakin' the truth! :)


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