
Bean Matthias

Ask @Seanrichardm

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so...you walk into a room, a guy with a knife shows up out of nowhere. there's red liquid on the knife and he looks shocked. what happened?

The jam he was trying to spread on his bread was too hard, so it got stuck in the jar; and the jar dropped; so now he's left with a knife filled with jam, but the whole jar is shattered...poor soul.

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7 people walk into a white room with no windows and none of them have anything with them. 1 is a proven psychopath and the rest of the people are normal. 2 hours pass by and everyone is dead. What happened and who killed who?

Simon.... it's too late at night for this LOL

AYE BOY CAN I BUY YOU A DRINK? *rolls the sexy window down*

As long as it's diet soda. I'm watching my weight. That window sure is sexy.


I'd marry Shri's nose, because it'd be easy to manage. I'd fuck peanut butter, because who wouldn't want to fuck peanut butter? And I'd kill a cow's penis, because people around the world actually eat it.. /smart life choices with Sean.

my milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.................. are you one of them?

I'm actually 7 of them.. :/

Do you prefer to answer questions or ask them?

Answering is a lot easier..and I'm terrible at making small-talk...so answering would be naturally more engaging on both ends. If I COULD come up with questions, I love to listen so I would choose that. But under the circumstance that I'm drawn to a blank, answering them, for sure.

tbh, i was kinda scared of you before (idk why ._.) ahahah, but now that i kinda talk to you more you're a really chill guy! preee good actor too :)

Anita Wang
Awww ahaha thanks Anita! Maybe it's because the face I naturally put out when I'm neutral or thinking seems really angry and/or sad all the time...but in actuality I'm just really focused; and I actually find it quite calming when I'm alone at a desk sometimes, but it might come off as me being "lonely" and/or aloof and/or cocky. A lot of people don't get that ;P

WOOT! band of...6? I believe

We're all (or will be) 16 as well. To add to the name-making process, we could be the Sexy Six Sixteens.

thoughts on secondhand serenade? ((:

THOUGHTS ON-- You're talking to their biggest fan practically--well, no. Silvia might be a little ahead of me for that status; but I'm a close second for sure.

excited for swimming?

Absolutely....not. I have this minor hatred of being in or around water (aside from drinking it and showering in it obviously). It better be warm though, which will probably be the only time I actually want warmth. Last year was just BRUTALLY cold. Also, fun little fact: Cold beach days negate all forms of hatred towards water in that scenario..if that makes any sense.

thoughts on jeanette

Very considerate, athletic and fun to be around. I feel like I could tell her everything and she wouldn't judge me.

What are your favorite cookies?

y u racist
lol no but uhm I really like simple Chocolate Chip Cookies. Triple C baby. You can't go wrong with a classic.

Why is this year your favourite year?

Why is this my favourite year? So many reasons. To name a few: I finally got to do a full year of non-stop theater (not only that but I got to be leads in practically all of them), I got to do serenades with some fantastic people, and got to meet probably some of the sweetest people I'll ever meet in my lifetime this year. I was kind of all over the map this year too. Lots of exciting events and people keeping my life interesting. I re-found my love of music, dance, singing, writing and making videos. It's been the biggest rollercoaster, I've found love and I've lost love; but when it's all said and done, the ride was absolutely fantastic.

What’s the first thing you notice about people?

The attitude they give off in different scenarios.


Language: English