
Bean Matthias

Ask @Seanrichardm

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if you could add 3 people to sg who didn't get elected, who would it be and why?

Linda, Una and Marina! All amazing candidates, it's just the competition was so fierce yo.
Liked by: Federico Firoozi

can you introduce a policy that will force all future valedictorians to be decided by epic rap battles

This is probably the coolest suggestion I've heard before. But it would be rigged because I think it's obvious I would win valedictorian then ;)
Naw but that actually is so funny.

why are you forcing yourself to take french?

Honestly I would've preferred to do Japanese, but learning languages in school in general just pisses me off (aside from English). Because I'm going into the arts, if I don't take a grade 12 language then id have to do it first year uni. Yeah nty

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oy you nub. cosplay for your campaign aka let me help you win the hearts of millions and turn you into jennifer lawrence and you can't so no okay thank you bye.

It's too late to implement this though ;_; y such a good last minute idea

still takin mando next yr ?

LOL I haven't taken mando since grade 9! Taking french just cuz I basically forced myself back into it :P

why are you suddenly running for sg this year?

sUddenly? watchu mean gorl. I've always wanted to, but I never had the confidence to do it. I feel like my name is a little more out there now, so there may be an actual chance. I've wanted to be a leader of this school since grade 8! I feel like I'm actually ready now.

If you could have any superpower, what would you choose and why?

I think time travel would be really convenient as long as it didn't screw up the future too badly. It'd be nice at least to relive experiences on demand.

have you heard of the lizzie bennet diaries? if so, what are your thoughts on the format of storytelling through video blogs?

I have heard of it because I follow the vlogbrothers through most of their channels on YouTube! I haven't watched any of them yet though, but I think it's a really ingenious idea to get people that don't usually like to read to "read books" and not get as distracted as they might usually become. It's engaging, just like an audio book. I'm a big fan of audio books.

What's the best concert you've ever been to?

Marianas Trench, Simple Plan, All Time Low and These Kids Wear Crowns oh man it was just packed with talent

nicely nicely done omg u make me wish I had theatrical talents

alghsgksj thank you so much person I've never met before!! :D YOU SHOULD INTRODUCE YOSELF BECAUSE APPARENTLY WE HAVE MUTUAL FRIENDS

shri says faggot and gay alot

Yeah, he does. I've told him how it bugs me, so he's doing it less now, at least around me, but I still here it from time to time. He still says gay a lot though.

4 things you really cannot stand?

1. People that throw around words like "faggot", "gay", "slut", "rape", etc.
2. Classes that won't shut up. Especially when the teacher is really nice.
3. Sweating
4. Waking up early

If you could enlarge any part of your body, what would it be?

..................u're funny
if im answering this seriously
dem abs wud be nice

What courses are you taking next yr

Well, with me nothing is ever official, but as of now:
AP English Comp and Lit 12
Literature 12
History 12
Geology 12 (?)
Social Justice 12
Theater 12
Choir or Yearbook
Tech Leadership (but that gives me a free block)
Catering 12 Before School
Student Government
French 12 Online
1. P.E.
2. Choir or Yearbook
3. Dance (Choreo)
4. Dance (Performance)

Who are some of the people in your grade that you have a lot of respect for?

Sylvia, Tiger, Simon, Federico, Alex (Lin), Josh C, Ed

thoughts ont he FRIENDS girls?

Very diverse group of people! Their personalities are in some ways different from each other. They can be a little flaky at times, but I enjoy their company a lot. I like them because there are some oddballs I can relate to, some of them are really musically talented, and some are just genuinely sweet. Not that close with any of them though unfortunately.


Language: English