

Ask @shanbennetttt

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you really are ;D ahh shit i've just realised i've spent all my money on clothes and have no money for cigarettes excuse me while i cry myself to sleep

Poor Melissa
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i keep either forgetting to buy filters or im just too lazy to get them :') im genuinely proud of you ;D

It was funny because one of the staff came in and she was like have you Been smoking I was like no that's my shit with a dead serious look and it was not mentioned again;D
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oh jesus, how did you 1) live without them 2) smoke them while there omg XD

1. I managed like a day 2. I had to put them in my bra waist etc and they would most of the time break so I had to smoke with no filter;D and I would go to the girls bathroom for like 15 minuets so everyone thought I was having a shit but I got to smoke so it was all good;D
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just spent the last week or so feeling like shit blargh, but das pretty much all my weeks so nothing different :')

Hi-5 sister but now I'm out I can get high and drunk etc so I have that to look forward too and cigarettes oh my try going like 2 month without them no I still snock some in but shhh it's a secret do you know how hard it is to smoke in a mental unit fire alarms everywhere;D
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they told my mum it was her fault that both me and my sister have problems and made her cry istg im gonna burn them down urgh. i think mum is going to put a formal complaint in about them yey:') but anyway are you okay? how're you doing?

My mums put loads of complaints in and they don't give a shit but yeah I'm still here but considering everything I'm good;D you?
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what the fuck have they done now? they've literally just given up with me, the cunts XD

Well I've been there for weeks obviously then I went on lear the other week and ended up in hospital and they said I od'ed for attention so my mum moaned at them and they said it was her fault I did it etc
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Omg you're so gorgeous tbf. You're like perfect but you're not going to reply to this because you'll probably hate me ;-; No? ._. nvm asdfghjkl You're pretty :3

HassanSyed306’s Profile PhotoHassan
I don't hate you I don't know youxD but you are very talented:) and thank you:p
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I have loads of songs going though my head with the word ass or bum but I only know like one line what is life;D and dat video;D
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