
boo you whore.

Ask @shaycurtoxx

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What do you say or think when you're on your period

great, these next few days are gonna be hell
no more white pants
cant wear any cute pants
no omg
ergh school
why are you looking at me
you're hot omg.
fuck off
you're a bitch
leave me alone
i want to curl up and fucking die
you're a slut ew
i love you omg
toilet break
i want to die
right here
right now
i feel like im being stabbed
toilet break
touch me and ill murder you
i hate you
i'm joking i love you
you're hot
you're a prick
toilet break
don't talk to her
she's orange i'm better.
i feel like a spoon
i'm so concious
why are people laughing
why cant mother nature just fucking text me saying' your not pregnant'
this isnt fair
i feel dead
i need mcdonalds
i need ben and jerrys
i need chocolate
buy me chocolate, ice-cream and mcdonalds now
ill eat my feelings
oh so your ignoring me? BITCH
i wish i was a guy
they don't understand how much pain i'm in
pain relief tablets are like fucking chocolate bars during this week
must pee
that's it i'm going to die
- 5-7 days end-
yay 28 days of freedom
erghh omg

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Why do girls complain about periods so much

After sitting down for a while, you stand up and suddenly it feels like freaking Niagara falls.
You want to hit everyone...in the face...with a shovel.
You cry so much for random stupid reasons.
You crave random crap, that you don't own.
When someone corrects you, you feel like shoving a wii remote down there throats.
You fall asleep when you're not even that tired.
You feel like you want to just stab yourself 600 times in 'that' area.
You want to just shove a freaking towel up 'that' area.
NO white pants that week.
Remember that cute pair of undies you got? runied. for. life.
Everybody is annoying, not matter WHAT they do, or say.
When you DON'T get to go to the bathroom, because your teacher says "no" you want to scream in their face, and say "I'M ON MY FREAKING PERIOD OKAY?".
Boys are 10x more annoying.
Chocolate and ice cream are your best friends.
The cramps you get feel like your being punched in the stomach 8 times.
When you think you're finally 'done' you take off the weapons of tampons...5 minutes later you check. not done, not done at all.
You don't care about anything BUT food.
You wish you weren't a girl.
When you wake up in the morning, and go to the bathroom, and your toilet looks like a bowl of Hawaiian Punch.

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Do u like Justin bieber

Justin Bieber I hate him because:
1. he said rape happens for a reason
2. he wrote in the guest book at Anne Frank’s house that he ‘wishes she was a belieber’ (which makes him a stuck up snob)
3. When asked to try being a vegan, he gagged and spat out a vegan steak that had been specially ordered for him
4. he makes his fans pay tons of money to see him live even though he could afford having all the tickets be 50 bucks instead of 100 for mezzanine seats
5. he went to a children’s hospital in England and was talking to a nurse who was working there when Justin Bieber visited the hospital He made them clear an area for him so he didn’t have to wait around near the sick children he then spent about 5 minutes with them whilst the cameras were on and left without so much as a thank you.
6. he attacked a photographer at said hospital.
7. he peed in a restaurant kitchen
8. someone’s coworker did security for him once. He faked a really bad asthma attack and made them call the paramedics and then laughed his ass off when they came through the door. His people talked the paramedics into not saying anything bc you can go to jail for that apparently.
9. he also called for a car to take him to the mall and didn’t like the color so he sent it back. And then he went to the mall and stayed 5 minutes before saying it was the shittiest mall he’d ever been in.
10. he’s banned from walt disney world for punching out Goofy.
11. Not only does he me make his fans pay tons of money for a concert, but on a school night, he didn’t even show up until half way through the scheduled time.
12. he’s quoted as screaming ‘Fuck Bill Clinton!’ to cameras and attacked a paparazzo, who is suing. his mother is quoted as saying she’s ‘hoping he’ll soon mature’.
13. he spat in an old man’s face
14. When he went to Vermont, he was kicked out of every single business he went in. IHOP, Walmart, Hannafords, everywhere. He went to the movie theater and threw a temper tantrum when told he couldn’t bring his subway sandwich into the theater, as it was against the rules. He then made a HUGE mess of the theater and had to be carried out by his bodyguard kicking and screaming about how they were all worthless monkeys.
15. he randomly showed up to Disney unannounced and demanded that the entire Yachtsman Steakhouse be cleared so that he could eat there. The staff had to call every single one of the guests to tell them that their reservations they had been planning for months were cancelled and wasn’t allowed to give them an explanation. Disney also decided that it wasn’t fair to their guests and gave them free dinner at another restaurant, which obviously lost them a lot of money and business for that night. So after personally shutting down the restaurant, Beiber comes down in nothing but a bath robe. I don’t hate him because he has a ‘girly’ voice or because he's "gay". I hate him because he's not a good person.
Just kidding, I fucking love him, I'd suck his cock
Sike I hate him.

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What happens when girls get their periods

We get cramps. Not like regular stomach/leg cramps, but like OH MY FUCKING GOD KILL ME NOW I HATE MY FUCKING LIFE cramps.
We also get back pains. Not like “my boobs are too big and they hurt my back” back pains, but just extremely uncomfortable back pains if you will.
Blood also pours out of out vagina. And by pours, I mean the Pacific fucking Ocean. Laugh, Pacific Ocean comes out our vagina. Cough, Pacific Ocean. Cry, Pacific Ocean. Breathe, Pacific fucking Ocean.
We get paranoia that the blood has soaked through our pants and everyone will see. To stop the blood from escaping its cage, we have to wear a thing that looks like a diaper, or shove something up there and leave it for hours. It is so fucking uncomfortable
And then, to make everything even worse, we are somehow angry, horny, depressed, hungry, and in extreme pain the entire time. And when it comes to those feelings, anger=stabbing someone to death anger. Horny=let me fuck your brains out you fucking cunt horny. Hunger=I want to die or eat every possible food item ever invented hunger.
And this goes for an entire week. UNTIL YOU’RE LIKE 50 FUCKING YEARS OLD!!!!!

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How are babies made

when a boy and a girl love eachother very much... they get down and fucking dirty and hump the shit out of each other for about 5 or so minutes of pure intensity until the man ejaculates inside the womans vagina, 1 out of the 100 million or so sperms makes its way to the ovaries where the egg is waiting, the sperm then wriggles himself in there and boom, the process has begun. 8 weeks later it's a little fucking embryo which is all gross and shit, a month later it's a foetus, 5 months later it's ready to pop out... the ladies vagina is about to be absolutely destroyed, the mother opens up her legs like a 12 year old slut and starts screaming and shouting as this baby makes his way out the vagina, it's like trying to fit a watermelon through a wedding ring. Eventually out comes this slimy, bloody baby that's left a trail of destruction to this womans vagina..

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Language: English