

Ask @slutdr0pps

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Are you in love??

my sister just fell off my bed again hahahahaha
Liked by: .

How are you feeling right now?

tiered, but i can't wait to go to McDonald's with Jodie tonight, i'm actually buzzing :))((:
Liked by: .

What does your last text message say?

''night swaggot, see you in the morning ;))'' not from me, just saying ;)))))))
Liked by: .

If you were stranded on an island for a month with 2 boys and 2 girls. Who would they be???

Josh shephard gary , verity and katie

Thought your mum dint like u talking to me and so am I bubs xxxxx <3 and ok ill come around soon to see u gary and the rest of your fam when u move xxxx :* ♥ ♡

brandon searle
Ilysm! :))) Xxxxxxxx


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