
Alison Juniansyah

Ask @sonalibaba

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Kenapa cuma video trakhir lu doang yg lucu bangsat sisanya busuk cibai

Pertma, thanks udh muji lucu , kedua, thanks atas kritiknya ;)

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Hmm dulu waktu gw ngliat lu, lu itu cewe gaul yang high class,, ehh tau tau temennya chandra dan impresi gw nurun .. Pas kenal dn shooting brg ternyata ente lemottttt.. Tp lu super baik dan kece muahahaha

How should a perfect weekend start?

waking up early, eating breakfest, morning walk.. seems like a dream to me :((

If you had to choose a type of color that you thought represented yourself, which would it be?

black and orange ...


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