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if your favorite part of gumnastics break time and when you leave at gymnastics, then why are you in it?

Because I could never even imagine a life without gymnastics! You clearly aren't In gymnastics.. Gymnastics is like drugs it ruins your life forever; but it gives you that rush and you keep coming back for more. But I would be so bored and fat, like huge! But I've been doing gymnastics ALL my life it's not like basketball where you have hour practices 3 times a week ect. We have practices from Mon-Thursday from 8:30-1:30! So if your complaining about your practice times don't do it to me 'cuz I would laugh in your face! Then on Monday after practice I have an hour strength class.. And then on Thursday I have power for an hour after practice..! But I used to do basically every sport when I was younger and I would say I was pretty good(; but I had to quit all of them.. First it was baseball, then it was tennis, then basketball, then softball, then soccer.. And I wasn't able to try out for : football, volleyball, or track and yes when I was in 5 th grade I wanted to be a football player because well I could beat up most of the guys.. Then and now.. but then I didn't because I didn't have time for anything but gymnastics.. So you see how I would not just throw away my life now would I? Yes gymnastics can get: boring, HARD, SCARY, looonnggg, frustrating, time consuming, and well not fun but it's always worth it in the end! And in gymnastics you don't just focus on one thing you have 4 events to worry about! And I LOVE the girls I have met and i wouldn't be able to leave without them.. Yes I wish I had more time for school things so I could be "evolved" but like Sweet Brown said,"Ain't nobody got time for that!" So I hope this is a good enough answer for you! So enjoy this picture of me in the middle if my back tuck on the high beam!

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