
3 people

1 post


What amp did you use for the guitar tones on Juggernaut, or was it Axe-FX? All of the different sounds you guys used are just incredible

The tones on the record are all Axe-FX II using a custom IR profile of Misha's Zilla Fatboy 2x12 cab (2 x Vintage 30s), with the exception of the solos, which were tracked with my KSR Orthos amp through Mark's Fatboy (1 Vintage 30, 1 Creamback H). The cabs had various mics on them, which I blended together after making sure everything was phase-accurate to get the final tone. The Axe-FX patches used many different amp models, including the "6160 Block", "Friedman HBE", "Shiver Clean", "Boutique 1" and several others. I'm a big fan of changing up tones for various parts, and using analogue effects pedals to get unique sounds that are essentially unrepeatable and very specific to the part being played.

Language: English