
23 people

12 posts


In you pregnancy story you said Kenneth didn't see Bella a lot? Are you both equally involved now? I'm assuming so since you live together?

we don't live together lol but he has basketball and a lot of other activities and things going on. There is no jobs hiring where we live because the oilfield industry in Alberta crashed because of our new prime minister. We are looking to move once I turn 16.

The recession will most likely get worse before it gets better- it would with conservatives too, but libs can help not only in the short run, but also the long. In my opinion..........

But how so? Tax the bracket in which my father and most of my family falls into that makes more than $200,000 a year because the middle class and poor haven't worked for fucking 30 years in the oilfield to get where he is superintending the maintenance side of Husky AND Shell international? It's bullshit to tax the people that have worked their whole lives to get where they're at it's fucking nonsense

The oil field isn't sustainable though, so we shouldn't base the Canadian economy on it like Harper was doing

You obviously don't rely on the oilfield to live like most people in Alberta so shut it bud
Liked by: Jayde Rehbein cali

You act like one. You look like one. You talk like one. You drink to much. You smoke. You are like them in most ways.

I don't see how I act like one. I wear oilfield clothing. Carhartt and jeans, carhartts are expensive as shit so I have money. I talk like any Alberta teenager so fit in or fuck off. I hardly drink if you actually know me lol I never party or drink anymore. I am a well off teenager who actually has money and a vehicle. I don't walk around town smoking dope all day and wear pajamas. I wear normal Alberta clothing, have a job and come from a richer family. I like to smoke a little smoke and drink a little drink because I dont want to grow up saying I played video games in my basement all day, hanging out with my parents and drinking juice. I like to live life and enjoy it as much as I can. I don't give a flying fuck what you think because I'm not a keyboard warrior jerking it to donkey porn. Seriously get a life and stop harassing me its annoying as shit. Now good night.

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You're another one of those girls who live off daddy's oilfield money. you and Hanna live the exact same life so why are you liking her answers? you're no better than her.

Daddy's money makes life better but I still have a job and work to make my own money ✌️and its *hannah. Thanks

Maybe you shoulda been smarter and got all your courses last year then get a real job or go off to college like the rest of us have too, dumb ass

You don't think I don't know that? I slacked during the important years that decided whether I got into post secondary or not. I'm not ashamed of having to come back and upgrade, I know I can do better. I will do better. As for A real job, i just gave one up because i realized i didnt want to work in the oilfield my entire life so i gave it up to get the schooling i need to become what i want in life. You sound like some kids I graduated with. So while you're busy stabbing me in the back, feel free to kiss my ass.

Grande Prairie is filthy. All the kids do is drink. A good majority of the girls are sluts. It's an oilfield town with a bunch of non working natives, bums and drugs. Come see the other side of the fence. I moved away and it's not even close to as bad. Grande Prairie is a shithole...

Kids party everywhere.. And grande prairie is so small it's all you hear about. And everyone knows everyone. I like gp. But you can have your opinion too.

How do you handle nights alone without Cole? My boyfriend is now starting nights and its killing me. how'd you get through it, any advice?

Best advice I can give you is to just keep yourself occupied. Invite your friends over & get some redbox & beer, have a tv series marathon, call up your mom, dad, sister, brother, aunt uncle, etc. & just chat for a while, have a spa night for yourself, build a fort or something, do some homework, look up badass recipes to make him for dinner that he can take on tower & show off to his rig buddies! Haha I wouldn't suggest going out & partying just cause that's how rumors get started & trust me it's already hard for them to keep their trust with you when they're gone every night & sleep all day & they know you're getting lonely. Just keep your mind off the fact that he's not there & ESPECIALLY keep your mind off what he's out there doing. It's dangerous, all oilfield wives know. But if you can just find something to keep your mind off it, it'll make your nights much easier. And don't forget to sleep! He doesn't want a cranky butt to come home to in the morning. Hope that helps!

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