
21 people

18 posts


[FAKE]Stell dir vor du könntest mit 3 Personen dich zu einem Abendessen treffen. Wer wäre das? Deiner Fantasie sind keine Grenzen gesetzt. Es dürfen Prominente sein jeglicher Art, Buch-oder Serienfiguren oder unlängst Verstorbene. Warum ausgerechnet diese Drei? Happy Saturday, wünscht euch Claire♡

HeyClairefromWashington’s Profile PhotoClaire O'Malley
Das würde voraussetzen, dass ich Essen als solches zu mir nehmen könnte...
Und ehrlich gesagt, wenn ich mit jemandem essen möchte, oder Zeit mit ihm oder ihr verbringen möchte, dann tue ich das meistens auch.
Aber wenn ich es mir wünschen darf würde ich mega gerne einmal mit Elrond essen gehen. Einfach weil ich seine Ansichten auf die Welt unglaublich interessant finden würde.
Als zweites wäre da dann Brandon Stonner aus dem Buch Knecht. Ein eher unehrenhafter Ritter, der für mehr oder minder böse Mächte kämpft. Mit ihm würde ich gerne einige Techniken der Armeeführung durch gehen und diskutieren.
Als letztes...tja....da wäre Jean D'Arc. Die Heldin. Die heilige Jungfrau, wie auch immer man sie nennt. Aber es wäre wirklich unglaublich sie zu treffen!

honestly ayva don't worry about what their saying because it's you're life and you can do whatever you fucking want. don't let them get to you AND sit let brad and Dante get to you by calling you a stonner and a druggie because your honestly not one of those for doing it once.

aweh thank you so much! 😭❤️❤️
Liked by: Cheyenne jacob lily vaz

Kak temananki sama kak ismi toh ? Mintol desc dia dong kak, yg panjang nah kak, no mager please kakakkk:)

Iya kakak jangan mki sok anon dek kutau jko ew Putri Islamiati biasa dipanggil ismi/putri/hidung/pesek/ati(?) campreng kek bebek kejeppit pendek battala banyak makannya nda ada malunya suka bikin malu orang gila anak hilam kesasar rossi mau jadi stonner besar anunya😝 apanya bede? Org suaranya😜 saudaraku musuhku cewetku aneaneku sayangku cintaku jombloku wkwk baik anet ma guweh sistah know everthing about me suka makan jadi wajar dia gendut suka sama anak kecil like me pintar lah anak osis tawwa ketua kord. English bagus suaranya kalau nyanyi tapi bohongja kalau bicara pake TOA senang gratisan HAHA panemos panaicera panainai(?) mau sekalimi taken kodong capekmi bede jomblo biar itu baru beberapa bulan baru saya satu tahunmi tegarja(?) okfix abaikan jadi intinya ismi itu manusia absurd yg ingin taken okfix bhay😘

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" Daži cilvēki nekad nekļūst traki. Cik gan drausmīgas dzīves viņi dzīvo! " /Č. Bukovskis/ Vai uzskati ,ka cilvēkam ik pa reizei ir jāpasmejas par sīkumiem un jāatgriežas bērnībā ik pa brīdim kaut tikai tāpēc ,lai nesajuktu prātā no nopietnības ? Ar kādām acīm tu skaties uz šo pasauli ?

bummbulite15’s Profile PhotoPaula
Like stonner i dont giva fuck unless someone gives fuck about meh :/

not trin to give you hate but your gonna go no where.... your going in alt... you dont give a shit about anything or anyone... you dont try at school... all you do is drink.. and your a huge stonner ldo u just plan to live at home the rest of your life? u cant go to collagee now what do u plan to do

ffs are we really staring this again
ok firstly
- yes im going into alternate but its not beacause i failed or anything to o with my grades... the reason im going in is because my anxiety is extremely bad and i can't handle the big classes anymore i had many break downs in class cus all you fucks judge me and i know im not well liked..i also have learning problems that arnt addressed in class cis theres too many kids
-alternate is just another way of learning..... i meet the same amount of work you shit heads do so its not like i dont do anything
- and i do care about my schooling and select people but if i am not freinds with u then i dont give a shit about you cus ur opinion is irrelevant..
-yea i may not have tried at school this year but fuck i was going though alot of stuff that made school the last thing i had to worry about.. beacuse at one point this year i almost came close to not being here anymore.. so im pretty sure living though the year is alot more important than grades.....
..... and grade are stupid (not saying I'm gonna stop doing anything) but like all they are are letters telling you if your stipid or not and who's to have the right to judge you.. some people are just better at other things
-i rarely drink anymore.. and loool im not a "sotnner" i stopped blazin a long time ago
- fuck living at home iv already worked out with my parents that im moving out at 18
-and leeme clar up collage yes im in alt and yes i can go to collage beacaue when i graduate it does NOT say on my diploma i was in alt
plus i plan to go into hair dressing and special effects makeup so i think il be good thanks
cus your
k bye

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You're like a fucking little stonner don't tell me what to do I can beak that little bitch of yours anyday of the yer and she better fucking stop with the drama it annoys me

Cristyishot’s Profile PhotoCristina
Hahahaha I'm a stoner ? Good one. Why are you even fucking talking about this? You have nothing to with it at all. Seriously grow the fuck up. Calling her a bitch over something that has been dealt with makes you the immature little bitch. So seriously get over yourself and get the fuck off both of our asks

9. Residue burn diba na. 10. High flame ey khaba. 11. Pipe lomba banaba. 12. Ek drag niya time waste korba nah, batash laglei maal taratari shesh hobe. 13. Dealer er bashay kokhono boshba nah. 14. Dealer er bou re bhabi dakhba . 15. WY is always more effective than R . 16. Never burn more than 8 in

lmfao. tumi ki dealer naki bhai? you got me a south coast stonner nigga. telling up fucking facts but how can i let go of popping dealer's wife, huh?

Why do you think ethen and Jordan are so good they are both fucken stonner cunts who nobody likes apart from you! Ud have way more guys to flirt with if you didn't hang out with them oh wait ypu don't need anymore guys to flirt with you already flirt with every guy you see!!!

yeah they are stoners I know that ! , I don't flirt with anyone I'm serious w do I flirt with ?

Language: English