
19 people

50 posts


exactamente de que parte de Jalisco?? ?? me gustaria hablar contigo, pero no como el tipo de ask que responde horny? mas bien como el tu de verdad, eres tapatio como sho, es curioso, en realidad no se si quiero que respondas esta o no..... igual hazlo

claro que soy tapatio ?, quien eres?

Nombre completo:✏ Edad:🍁Estatura:📏Cumpleaños:🎂🎊Zodiaco:🙆Mejor Amiga:👫Mejor Amigo:👬Enamorado:😻Nombre de uno de tus ex que extrañes:👦Crush:😘Te gusta alguien:💕Último beso:💋Último abrazo:😌Apodo:💁Pasa tiempo:😱Chocolate favorito:🍫Última llamada:📞Foto de mejor mensaje que recibiste hoy:📩

Joanna Dennise Hernández Vera
16 años
26 de diciembre
Enamorada de nadie
Alejandro mi tapatio Gertru😂👌
Kinder Delice💯
de mi mami

jajajajaja tu no sabes el tipo de novias que a tenido nisiquiera nos llegas a los tobillos no entiendo como se pudo haber fijado en ti mi tapatio <3

si conozco a varias él me las ha enseñado y?
no les llego a los talones? por que?
creeme que tengo más autoestima que tú ya que no me la vivo molestando a otros para ser feliz
digo como dato, además anónimamente, en verdad? por que la cobardía?
consigue una vida, un novio o algo para que dejes de molestar

Dices que argentina es tu mejor amiga y nomanches ni sabes nada de ella mija aver dime 15 cosas de ella para que Valgan la pena.?

1.Le encanta justin bieber? 2.no le gusta escuchar cuando mastica la gente??3.los eos le gustan❤️ 4.Nacio el 8 de septiembre 5.conocimos por nuestros papas?6.es la mejor??7.tiene 14?8.la amo con todo mi corazon 9.se todo lo que le a pasado 9.le encantan los doritos tapatio 10.tenemos el protecor de starbucks las dos?11.no quiere quience 12.va alas escuela #48 13.casi todas mis fotos son con ella 14.ve pretty little liars y teen wolf 15.planeamos de ir a un viaje juntas??

let's have everyone get to know each other a little bit more! post your age, zodiac sign, favorite food, favorite quote/lyric, fun fact about you nobody knows, and a gif of who you use!

Age: 23
Zodiac: Virgo
Food: Sushi
Fun fact: I put tapatio in my eggs.0.0
Quote: "if you love them and they love you. You will always find each other "- Snow White
my Phoebe gifs got deleted:(
so imma use GINNY 😘😘😘

Porque tratándose de ti lo se ??? Nos hemos topado varias veces por unos años así que si me haz visto. Pero a pesar de que me gustan muchas cosas de ti hay muchas otras que desconozco... que te gusta? Por cierto, tu, yo, viendo el clásico tapatio ...no se, piensalo ?????????⚽⚽

Y si tanto me quieres si fuiste a verme jugar ?? Jajajaja

tbh - you are the peanut butter to my jelly, the straw to my berry, the apple to my pie, the milk to my cookies, the Netflix to my chill, YOU ARE MY OTHER HALF ILY TIMES A MILLI 💞💘💓

you are the gum to my shoe, my tapatio to my chips, the I to my hop, the hamburger to my fries . YOU R A DORK BUT YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND ANS I LOVE YOU MORE x 200000 💘💘💓🗿

Yo era un pan de dios hasta que me junté contigo. :3 Jajajaja ¿yo morbosa? No como crees!!! Tu Jarabe Tapatio está bien vergas, 7uu7 osea se baila en reuniones familiares y los pueden bailar niños con abuelitos :v Te amo Bets Friend♥ eres re' verguerita B)

Jajajaja ni digas que nos puso 10 XD la raquelito :vvvvv te amo morbosa valeria 7U7

Tbh:you're the homie dude and hanging with you was really fun and you're funny asf and don't worry your secret is safe with me;) haha and I love the visor I think I'm gonna get one, and avva max is mine!!!! Ps. Magic quesadillas with tapatio :)

Avva maxx has two thirteen year old friends and wants to fuck right now.

Can yall stfu about silver! Elenas my Bestfriend & I am saying straight out the truth and so is she when she says she does not like silver ! Damn it's fûcking annoying seeing things about silver ! Like ask her something else would ya? Asking her about idk food ? Tapatio sauce ? Idk something lol

thank you !(x and yes tapatio is life smh

I dip my apples in tapatio sauce and I go to a school filled with white people. I eat that shit in front of them they think I'm the biggest Mexican ever

I don't even dip my apples in tapatio and I AM mexican lmaao

Ahora que sabemos la formula secreta de las bonice (no se como se escribe) podremos fabricar las nuestras muajajaja >:)

Mariana ♥
Recuerda Chocolate puro tarido de la fabrica de huili gonka y en un cartoncito en forma de triangulo mas frio y eecuerda salubridad no quiere jarabe tapatio de chocolate
-sabias palabras de Mr bonais

#¿Alguna vez haz bailado? #Si tu respuesta es no ¿Por qué no lo has intentado? #Conoces algún estilo de baile que te parezca interesante¿Cuál es?¿Lo practicas o te gustaría aprender a bailarlo? - espacio libre para quienes no quieran hablar de ello.

✖ Iʀοɴʏ
Si, pero parecia mas el jarabe tapatio o matando hormigas....
Me gusta varios, pero el breack-dance me llama la atención. <\3
Seria padre aprenderlo, no se esos movimientos D'x son tan asdasd x3
en fin, a mi no se me da el baile, menos el canto.

Please, be a darling and write something beautiful for me. If you deem my request too selfish, please be lovely and write something beautiful for everyone.

(Mario, instead of reading this first, please, be a darling and look at the picture below first, that would be great, thanks!).
The Cheesy God We All Love
Words are Power
Power is Money
Money Is Pizza
Pizza Is God
So give me your words and no one gets hurt
Pizza is all that I believe in
Pizza is me
I am Pizza
And if I take you words
Then I take you power
And I get your money
And with that money I buy pizza
Pizza solves everything
Its fills the hole in my heart
And it fills the holes in my Arteries
Clearly Pizza is God
For Without it
How can we Live?
The mighty cheese Overlords
Watching us from their Oven thrones
Bathing us with the sweet smell
Of pepperoni happiness
All Hail Pizza
All Bow Down to pizza
Curtsy to Pizza
Perform Choreographed dance numbers for Pizza
Kiss the trays that they sit upon
In fact I fail to understand
Why you’re listening to this poem
And not eating Pizza
What is wrong with you?
Have you ever met a person
That hates pizza?
No one hates pizza!
But if they do….
Don’t trust them
Don’t look at them
Don’t think about them
Don’t friend them on Facebook
Run away from this person
Do not trust this Pizza hater
For they do not deserve your love
Or your Pizza
For These cheesy pies of greatness
That comes in rectangular cubes of cardboard
Graciously land upon our doorsteps
And impart to us
The gift of happiness
It brings the whole family together
And makes everyday better
Pizza does not discriminate
No matter what you look like
Or what you like
Pizza will always be the same
Pizza lives on in every country
And in every ones hearts
We should thank our pizza overlords
For the awesomeness that they have brought us
Instead of dropping bombs
We should drop pizza
End all Wars
And solve world hunger!
Instead of having Congress sit there and do nothing
Have them sit there and eat pizza
We should make Papa John our President
And have a large deep crust as a flag
Land of the brave and home of the Pepperoni
Everything would be perfect
I like my pizza
Like I like my people
I don’t care what you look like
What you do
Or what you say
As long as you have
That gooey cheesy heart that makes everyone smile
I will love you forever
And I’m sure you taste delicious
…not that I'm advocating cannibalism
that would be crazy!
But...Imagine all the people tasting like pizza?
Befriending them
Getting to know them
Killing them
With a rolling pin or a frying pan
Sprinkling some cheese on them
Add some cilantro
Bake them in an oven on high at 450 degrees
Leave them in the oven for another ten minutes so they cool down
Sprinkle a little salt on top and some Tapatio
Slice them up and have them for movie night
I mean come on….
Imagine it!
Imagine how damn delicious some people would be!
eto piz`dets.
(Sean Schaeffer feat. Me)

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Jajajaja pero lo peor de todo es que son anónimos así no podre saber quien te pretende para golpearlos aunque así me darán celos :c No agradescas, Que bien<3 Si de verdad soy tapatio :3 ¿y tu eres de méxico d.f.?

Hahaha ay pues no importa (: algún día sabremos quienes son esos anónimos para golpearlos y así desquitaras tus celos va ?
Ah qué bien (:
No , no soy del D.F. .____.

Holaaa :3 alomejor te echo ya la pregunta y no me e dado cuenta¡¡ 1ºEdad? Color favorito? De donde eres? Tienes algun hermano o hermana? Como se llama? 2ºDe estas serie cual te gusta mas? Doraemon, Digimon,Pokemon u otra? Un besoo cuidaros :3

Que pregunta.-.?;3
Morado Amo ese diganme gay tirenme mierda me vale madre ;3
Orgullosamente tapatio *---*
Tengo Un hermano El MEJOR ;)
Jorge eduardo
Nunca me gustaron odio pokemon dragon ball
Lo unico que me gusto fue digimon :333 <3 Saludos

that makes no sense whats soever literally your stupid. honestly. "fungus ass toe nails" wtf ? that doesnt make sense your just mentally an idiot just rest your stupid mental mind

Yes im a mental piece of shit ik but ayyee who made me like this, idk bruhh go lick ur saggy titties with some tapatio and lemon on that (;

Sinaloa? México verdad ? verdaderamente el único baile que he bailado mexicano es Jarabe Tapatio :c es el mas conocido aquí en Chile , buenisima que te guste el Folklore c: Sabes algún baile chileno?

La Caroño
Woow eres chile ☺ Genial :3 .. Sii yo soy de Mexico ..Y honestamente no se ningun aile chileno u.u .. Pero es genial que tu si sepas uno mexicano :3

Remember when we would stay up really late facetiming and i did the tapatio challenge and almost died oh and remember when we were at a football game with Connor and we were acting like idiots giving eachother piggy back rides. You wouldnt get on my back because when i bent over it looked wrong XD

You bent over right in front of me and I was like whaaaaa xD
Liked by: Karla bianca

How many scumbag shirts do u have?:) i only have two:'( but I'm planning on getting all of them lol. Which one should i get next?

I have 10 :) and u will get there bae :* an well depends on which ones u have :) I would say the tapatio on or the piñata one that's black nd grey :)

Long tbh, erm I love you, you're my gay ass bestfriend, and when we hang out we always end up doing something all stupid, the tapatio on bread which had you crying like a lil bitch i may add, also the pickle juice. Omgggg that made me feel so sick. You better go tomorrow bruh bruh, well yeah you're

Bryanna Marie
Dude I wasn't crying like a bitch it just was kinda nasty xD and yeah xD & idk bout tomorrow my madre has a doctors appointment thing .-.

jajajaja andale tú serás uno de ellos de entrada la de el listón de tu pelo xD le pondré poOzsDattha MiiZsh amiigoOZs mii oOttRA famiiLYy, ZsiigaN aaZshii <3 qkoOn muuxXxoO fLoOwW La feeR Jaja eres un desmadre <3

Jajajajaajaja se extrañan esas platicas y OBVIO vas a bailar el jaraba tapatio y tu vestido será con la imagen de san juditas tado todopoderoso porque él es el mas fashion y mas poderoso entre todos ggggggggg.

tbh ; are you a bottle of tapatio sauce because tsss your hot xD lmao jkay but you have reallygood form in track and a great athlete :p youre pretty cool and nice from what ive heard , but besides that i dont know you that well

emily hernandez
Thanks lol hmu sometime :)

Language: English