
Courtney + Breanne

Ask @TwoInTailoreds

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Hi - I love your YouTube channel. So happy to see new videos. I just got my first horse and I love your tack box. Do you know how much a box like that costs? Thanks so much!

Our metal tack trunk? I think it was around $1700

how can i get my horse to move more forward off my leg? i don't use spurs or anything and i want artificial aids to be one of my last resorts if i need them. any tips/exercises to get my horse to move off my leg?

Lots of transitions, but if your horse isn't very responsive to your leg you probably need to use a crop or spurs for awhile so the horse knows if they don't respond to your leg they get a tap with the crop! Then they will learn to respond to your leg to avoid the crop and you might not need it anymore after a few rides.
Liked by: H Elisha Cam

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would it be weird to get my horses barn name embroidered on a saddle pad? i've seen ones with the riders last name on them but would it be weird to get my horses name on it? i own him btw

No I don't think it would be weird!
Liked by: Elisha

do you think a single nurse's salary could afford a horse and everything that comes with it (besides regular showing)?

Yep definitely
Liked by: Elisha

Favorite helmet for schooling and then favorite helmet for showing?

All of the Charles Owen helmets are nice for schooling or showing, I like GPA but the new Samshields are pretty too.
Liked by: Elisha

I've got a huge crush on one of my teachers. He's not that much older than me, and it seems like he's into me aswell (I'm 17 and he's about 25). Would it be totally wrong to act on it?

Yes very wrong. A 25 year old that's interested in a 17 year old is a loser, he seems cool to you right now but he obviously has some issues. He would also lose his job and go to jail sooo ?
Liked by: Elisha

Hi my horse keeps throwing her head up when i ride its not cause she is in pain i got her checked and i ride her in a wide snaffle bit. Any suggestions on how to fix this problem?

Make sure you aren't doing anything too abrupt or harsh with your hands. Try holding your hands higher and following her head up. She should start to lower it if she realizes that holding her head high doesn't equal getting away from the contact? People sometimes try to pull the head down by keeping their hands low but that doesn't usually work.
Liked by: Elisha

Please help. An dplz don tell me toget a trainer. My pony whenever i ask her to supple or work from behind she always put her head down and pulls down and trots a million times faster. Its like whenever i ask her to do that she takes the bit and goes. Any suggestions?

Do lots of circles and changes of direction so she has to slow down. Make sure you're not accidentally holding on the reins. If you're not holding she won't have anything to lean against.
Liked by: Elisha

Tips for getting the correct diagonal? Because I've been riding for a while and I am struggling with it so bad. I do have a trainer though.

You're supposed to rise when the horses outside leg is forward which you can tell if you look down at their legs. If you find it hard to tell practice watching and telling which front leg is more forward at the walk first. It could also be helpful to watch other people posting the trot.
Liked by: Elisha

what trainers would you recommend watching to figure out how to fix a few issues with you and your horse?

Jonathan Field
Liked by: Elisha

Do you pull or cut manes? Is there a difference with the outcome of how they look?

Cut them. There shouldn't really be a difference if you cut it well.

Please help i have a show in 1 week and my horse isnt completely shedded out any tips on shedding them out fast.

I would probably just clip them
Liked by: Elisha

What do you feed your horses? And do you have them on any supplements?

Hay, beet pulp, high fat grain, no supplements
Liked by: Elisha

are you going to Harry Potter world anytime soon? if so, could you blog it on your non-eq channel cause I loved the other vlogs and I'm so sad there are no more to watch haha

Maybe next year ? that place is so awesome I want to live there ?

Why would you buy rumor if you didn't think he had good confirmation??

His confirmation is good enough for what we wanted to use him for, it's not so bad that it causes him to be unsound or anything!
Liked by: Elisha Cam Waverly Gans

Hi just lurking you guys since I haven't popped on here in forever. Our local tack shop over here sells Spooks breeches if you ever decide you want to buy a pair within Canada! They will ship :)

Oh! What's it called!
Liked by: Elisha

When do u think the barn will be done being built

Well the barn is basically done it's just the whole paddock area needs gravel and we're getting new fencing put in first, it's a very slow process that is requiring more money than I have ?


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