
Ujjwal Singhania

Ask @ujjupoha

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Tbh we don't talk much but Abhishek is your hugest fan he loves you to no end seriously it's borderline psychotic but because of that, I have nothing but good images of you O:)

Natassya Rafiq
OMG Chauhan you're everywhere man <3 Thank you:3
Liked by: A.C

Tbh I know more about you from all the talking Abhishek does about you, than from actually talking to you HAHA. But you seem really cool and fun and hopefully we'll talk more this year. Oh and I think WTF is a great idea and I'm really looking forward to it x)

HAHAHAHA Chauhan :') WTF is going to be epicness because of all the people involved.
Liked by: M.D Daani A.C

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TBH WHEN EVERYONE CALLS YOU RAJNII I FEEL VERY PROUD OK CAUSE I GAVE YOU THAT NAME,and well normally you're an amazing friend and I can ALWAYS look up to you which makes me happyyy xx

One of the MOST popular nickname ever. Hahaha yaaay<3 Look up to me..wow. Meet me soon D: You're so busy ya -.-
Liked by: A.C

Tbh. Rajni anna நீங்கள் பெரிய நான் உங்கள் பெரிய ரசிகர் சார் நீங்கள் அன்பு. ஸ்மார்ட் மற்றும் வேடிக்கையான எளிமையான இருப்பது போது. மிகவும் நல்ல சார் .

Parag Agarwal
DUDE this is like the best TBH EVER. Reminded me of Spec Com so much man. ILY <3

Tbh, I love talking to you.We became fairly close since summer so thats great.And we have this whole plan of the reunion after you guys are gone so x).You're one of my favourite seniors and I love pissing of Abhishek with our friendship xD Also thank you for all the small-big helps all the time :3

Riya Shah
HAHAHA awh <3 OMG even Vivek told me how Abhishek flipped on chat with him xD
Liked by: DOUBLE V Riya Shah

Tbh you're damn nice and helpful and smart and hearing abhishek fantasize about you makes me have a very high opinion of you because usually he just bitches about people. Your comittee is damn popular and ive heard a lot about it and im looking forward to itt :D

Hahaha this is so nice :3 @abhishek21598 <3
@AskAgni we be the popular chair duo B|
Liked by: DOUBLE V

tbh you are perfect don't ever change anything about you. also i can't fucking wait for MUN with you. also you love pokemon so i automatically love you.

v112358’s Profile PhotoVS
<3 don't worry I am holding an everstone, so I can't change O:)
Liked by: A.A VS A.C

The admin was Sumanyu :0

I don't get why I got this or why this is anonymous.
I had a feeling it was him however, that doesn't matter. Full respect to him for the way he managed it. It just showed how immature some people are by not 'confessing' in essence and just bitching. They don't seem to recognize the difference between a confession and an old school rant. But apart from that, Sumanyu as the admin was a total baus.

Favourites from 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th? 4 each :)

No specific favourites but in terms of people I have spoken to/ met the most over the summer it would be:
12th: Vedika, Priyanka, Noyonika, Agni, Sripad and Sanjna.
11th: Abhishek, Vikram and Riya.
10th and 9th: No one as such.
Liked by: Riya Shah VS


Ujjwal Singhania
ask.fm is not really a place to publicise but since many people use it a lot, I thought why not.
OIS (Mumbai) is hosting it's Second MUN in the last week of September. If you want to be a part of the upcoming conference, sign up using the form below. Please note however that only delegate registrations are going to take place since the press and admin team is complete. The form has most of the basic details and the upcoming website shall be hosting the research papers and the other documents. The website will be up in the first week of August. Thank youu :D
Form link: http://goo.gl/ZcvuIa


..but pets are friends. I never said I am subjecting them to torture or making them work heedlessly.. I take them to the Pokémon centre everyday even if they aren't hurt and give them poffins as well D: I don't think that is slavery.
Liked by: VS


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