
victoria moore

Ask @viccmoore

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tbh; I've seen you around a couple times we dont really talk but we should, but your really pretty and really nice:)

thankyoou, you too:) & ya we should talk more!

Tbh; you're gorgeous:* I don't know you but you seem really nice and we should talk more:)

aw thankyouu, same goes to you :* && yes we should !! :)

Top 10 hottest guys you know?

haha uhh ..
*no specific order
dalton toppan
tristen sherlock
tristan van hoof
marcus sacchetta
isaac belsito
idk haha there's more but im too lazy to name them all ;p

You are what great friends are made of. Mikayla is lucky to have you as one of hers.

awehhh thankyou so much, I appreciate it and that means a lot:) && I'm lucky to have mikayla as my one of my friends as well !

Who would you cast to play you in a movie?

idk, I don't think anyone would be able to play me unless the knew me super well ..


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