
victoria moore

Ask @viccmoore

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Oh yah for sure :)):))))) I'm gunna tell him in history tmr, he's gunna be supppper happy bout that HAHAHAH were obvs his favs ;)

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH he'll be jacked no doubt;) and well duh, why wouldn't we be his favss??

HAHAHAHA ieeeeeee gingers. I just love youuu HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH !! So jacked that we have all the same classes next semester ;) and civics with our bffl ;)

HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH "da fuck u looking at" and ilu 2 gurlllll and me too! And ommg civics with our bfffl, he loves us and probs would be jacked to know we're in his class again;) but on another note, were going to hell..

Vic <3's 8===D .. :*;)

HAHAHAHAH STFU HEATHER, TAKE YOUR CHINS SOMEWHERE ELSE AND GO EAT GINGERBREAD COOKIES;) ... P.s. you're the one who <3's 8===D, gingy's D especially!!

tbh I saw you at the hound game a while ago:), your really nice and so pretty! we should talk moree:)

I saw you too haha:) and aw thankyaa, you are too:* and we should:)

Tbh your teeth and hair and eyebrows are like perf and I'm so jealous & you're really nice & we should talk more:):)

awwh thankyouu so much:)) but honestly you're the one who's perfectt, so there's no need to be jealousss! and yeah we shoulld, text me sometimme<33


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