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Which was your most memorable birthday?

the one when i invited my whole class and no one came ( i was like .. 8 ) except my best friend , because the day before everyone was at another birthday party and got food poisoning x))

If you held up 11 roses into a mirror, you'd be looking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the world

smoooth !
If you held up 11 roses into a mirror youd be looking at 12 of the most

Why is the sky blue?

when light from the sun enters our atmosphere it collides with molecules in the air. The blue part of the light gets scattered more than the other parts during these collisions and thus makes the sky appear to our eyes as blue. If the light from the sun took a straight path down to our eyes with no scattering or absorption in the atmosphere, the sky would in fact look much as it does at night in the day time

your pregnant WHAT !!! why wasn't i told boy or girl ?

and i am not pregnant
if i would
i would give birth to a baby unicorn

do you and your girls like to compare each others massive dicks?

dude , i had this question 15 times already , wth xD

Почему не фоткаетесь? Есть фотки с дня рождения в маней?

нет :(


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