
Windi Wuisan

Ask @windiwuisan

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Ooo ywslahh ce. Sama ae kokkk 2'2ee ya ada sukaanmuu garrix wkwk

loh kok tau sih! iya aku cuma pingin liat garrix kok benernya. sama steve aoki, nicky romero. tapi nyebelin ya, dwp ada matthew koma. syedih :(

Wuih, blog km udh gak sempet ngurusnya ya?

bukan gitu. at first, i do blogging not for my daily activity. i do it in my spare time. the thing is, i just moved back from Malaysia. and i need time to do lots of things. and one of them is sorting my closet. you need to understand that i never do photoshoot just for my blog post. what i posted is literally what i wore that day. and recently, i found that Surabaya is really hot. and i can't find the right outfit to post in my blog. i don't want to post something usual. i want it to inspire others. so now, i kinda picky in what i'm going to post. but after all, thank you for reading and spend a little of your time to checking it. really appreciate it. i'm going to post something soon and i hope you will read and give me some feedback. good night ❤️

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Pap ur daily line chat

sama online shop, beli barang. xoxo itu group ber3 sama feli&mel. chin-chin, tiap hari chat. isinya bacotan gak penting. khayalan tentang neymar, chat mendem. sama mama, suka chat gak jelas juga. sama bao-bao. isinya pisuh-pisuhan. anak kecil dilarang baca. 18+ only lol

Ci bagi tips buat jd cewe cantik dong? Misal mau perawatan kulit gt,

kalo untuk kulit, aku emang gak suka kulit terlalu putih. jadi perawatan kulitku cuma scrub, supaya gak kusam. sunblock, supaya sehat gak ada flek. body lotion supaya lembab. sama waxing, supaya gak hairy.
Liked by: asyifa nadin

Will you date someone that not as rich as you? Will you feel embarrassed to let your parents know about him? Cause i'm in that kind of situation right now and its confusing..

honestly? my mom told me to find someone who love me dearly in my hardest time. which mean, even if i sick, poor, sad or have nothing to be proud of. so yes, i will do the same for him also. i will love him dearly in his hardest time. i rather to have someone poor economically than poor in manner, love, knowledge or his humanity. i rather go with motorcycle and hug him tight than go with car but busy with our own gadget. i rather have someone who fight for me hard in his lowest time in life than giving me something in his highest time.

Ce gimana rasanya setelah berhasil move-on??

salah tanya orang ih kamu. aku aja belum 100% move on :( 3 tahun masih ingat orang yang sama #syedih #kacian

Apa yang kamu lakukan ssat melihat orang yg disuka tengah besama dan bahagia dengan orang lain?

orang yang disuka? berarti belum tentu suka kamu kan. kalo dia suka kamu, dia jelas gak mungkin bahagia sama orang lain. life is hard that way. sometimes people you want the most is you're the best without. let them go. move on and be happy with someone else who deserve you.

since you're a football fan... can you post a line-up of your 'DREAM' team? hehe i am just curious. the line up consists of players who are still active...

goalkeeper : iker cassilas/manuel neuer. i can't choose :(
defenders : john terry (legend!), sergio ramos (eventhough i don't like real madrid, but he's a good player. he's strong, fast, and aggressive), thiago silva, dani alves
midfielders : thomas muller, di maria, frank lampard
forwards : NEYMAR, messi, suarez (i dont want to change these 3. i think barca have killer forwards this year and suarez just need time to adjust just like neymar on his first season)
hahahaha i wonder how much money i have to spend on these players

Pernah nggak ngerasain ada kalanya kamu bosen sama orang terdekat km? Yang biasa sama km di kelas? Trs apa yang kamu lakuin?

kalo di kelas sih gak mungkin bosen. soalnya kebanyakan bercanda. kalo orang terdekat kayak temen deket, ya kurang-kurangin aja pergi sama-sama. banyakin pergi sama keluarga. kalo orang terdekat yang kamu maksud pacar, ya mungkin kamu harus cari sparks. supaya hubungan gak membosankan. cari waktu untuk adventure berdua :)

Perks of dating you?

i'm an open minded person. i won't angry just because you go hang out with your friends. i love to eat. you don't have to eat your dinner alone just because i'm on diet. i can cook you nice food and awesome dessert. sometimes i act stupid, so it will make you laugh, and we will look dumb and dumber. we can laugh, and have inside jokes. i can give you advice on fashion. i save my own money if i want to buy you something. i act romantic if there's only 2 of us. i don't mind being sweaty waiting for you doing your hobbies. i don't go to club, so you don't have to worry if i will go out late and hitting another boys. i love to talk, you won't get bored. and the rest, you have to date me to know what the perks :p

Ce windi kalau lg liat youtube biasa liat channel apa?

apa ya? banyak sih :) tapi mostly yang aku tunggu updatenya :
make up :
- bethany mota
- tess christine
- stillababe
- promise phan
- beautycrush
random youtubers :
- jacksgap
- pointlessblog
- zoella
- tyler oakley
- megan batoon
- ian eastwood
- john levya
- soothingsista
- imjennim
- bbcradio1
tv show :
- ellen degeneres
- jimmy kimmel
- jimmy fallon
- candidly nicole
football :
- mncomps
- neymarjr
- fcbarcelona
itu aja kali ya. banyak soalnya aku suscribe semua yang aku suka :)

girls who likes football also hot :P HAHAHA you're a football maniac, really hahahaha

hahahaha! you know how to flirt, bruh. thanks :)

list of 5 different fave player (remember, different) HAHAHA

you mean, football?
1. neymar da silva santos junior (no need to explain why)
2. frank lampard (hate to know chelsea let him go, man that sucks. he still bleeding blue. and its kinda sad when in an interview he called chelsea "us" and city "them")
3. david beckham (the one that make me loves football, from 2002 world cup. he's a legend, he's hot, and he's humble. who doesn't want the beckham's gene?)
4. luis suarez (honestly, i didn't like him when he was in liverpool, though he's a good player despite the biting things. but now, i kinda love how he plays. even in el clasico he didn't give much contribution. but he assisted 2 goals versus almeria. and i think he's a perfect fit for barcelona squad)
5. marc bartra (come on, he's hot)


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