

Ask @xAmberr1Dx

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If you could change anything about yourself what would you change and why? :D

I'd change my jealousy problems haha cuz I get jealous so much and so easily and its annoying omg.

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Hey brisitsh cunt! I told u u would 4get xTumbleADream!!! It expwxted from a watttpad famous person like u. Now xTumbleADream has no one and it gives me more excitment! I hate u so fuckin much and I hate xTumbleADream even more! I have knife and I'll slice her throat until she stops breathing.

Hi fuckface.
Who says I've forgotten about her? You haven't seen our private messages, idiot.
Hell to the fucking yes she does, she has me, so. You do anything to her and I'll fuck you up so badly you won't be able to do jack shit.

Could you please give me some tips on writing books? I am stumped on a book and I have no clue how to continue with it.

find inspiration. in music, in people, in your surroundings, whatever.
and um, try to make it as realistic as possible, as it could actually happen, that sorta thing. make sure you've got good grammar, and stuff or if not, get an editor.
and just get more ideas haha.
maybe you should ask someone else, i'm not the best, so. xD
but i hope i helped you!

yeah, prim is my big sister (: i honestly i don't know. can't think of a sensible one. who is the first person you met on wattpad?

Aw yeah, I'm her big sis. ;)
Lana hehe, you?

yeah it was. i'm in 7th. omg, i just saw what the king person said to me. i did not know that. that is amazing. thanks for that. if you could star on one tv show, what would it be?

Oh cool. You're a young'un then. ;)
Hahaha yeah ;3
Um, the voice. Or x factor. You?

You're planning a nice dinner party but could only invite 3 people. Who would you invite?

my two friends and one direction. oh and my online friends.

are you talking bout parasailing? i went parasailing x) what grade are you in in school?

It might be that. Ooh awesome, was it fun? :D
9th, you?

THIS IS 4 THAT LAST GURL ALAINA; underneath a layer of melanin, our eyes are blue just remember that when you feel like your eyes suck~~

aw. c:

Hello... I dont know what to say i just like to ask questions:) Hmmmm... What do you think is the worst song in human exsistance.

haha hai! c:
erm.. probably the ones on the adverts that are so annoying. 7.7

browns nice on a guy. we'll be crazy together (: what extreme sport do you want to do?

yes they are asdfghjkl. and whoo, yeah! erm, paragliding, that thing that you're dragged by a boat.. loads haha wbu?

i love blue eyes (: my eyes are dark brown. like almost black. i hate them. what hair colour do you find attractive on a guy? hehe, stupid question.

Whoo! :D
I love grey or green x_x
But on a guy, brown. Brown. Brown okay brown.
You? xD just ignore me, I'm crazy. Ask prim.

Hey, beaut. Sorry, I couldn't reply back to you on Wattpad last night /: my laptop completely broke, and now I'm on my phone. But, I'll try and get on the family laptop asap, and message you back soon c: ily<3

you gawjuss. aw okay, its fine!
Blah, I'm almost always on my phone. x)
Okay! :D ilyt<3

Which do you think is more important: following the dreams your parents want for you or following your own dreams?

own dreams.


Language: English