

Ask @xiWillHelpYoux

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It's just hurtful the way you're putting it, they need help not someone telling then to stop and its wrong to cut.

I am helping them, i have said stuff like go talk to someone, and it is wrong to cut so why can't i put that? I have self harmed, it is a big deal, thats why i made this, so i can help people like me or not, i have told them to talk to someone because not telling someone will put them under more pressure, please be greatfull that i'm trying my best </3
Liked by: nιoмι

Could you put your help in a nicer way ive talked to a few people off here and they find it a bit hurtful.. Many thanks.

What questions have i hurt peoples feelings with?:/:/ <3

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i have a foot fetish:/ what should i do?:/

Well is there someway you can get over you're 'foot fetish'? If you havea partner who doesn't mind it,then theres no problem with that, but just try and get someone who is ok with it, thats what a real relationship should be like, they wont mind if you have 'foot fetish' real relationships are for you're personality, love, and trust <3 ?

What if he never breaks up with her though and if I lose him? <3

I don't mean to sound mean, but if he never breaks up with her, then he obviously doesn't love you back, So theres no point in loving him, is they? when you're worrying over how he might not break up with her, and you reject a couple of relationship offers, you could of been in a serious relationship with someone and forgot all about him, couldn't you? i know it's hard to forget but it's the way life is, isn't it, life is hard, but it's all worth it in the end <3
Liked by: Chloe

My girlfriend is bad to me and i dont get sex anymore, but why??

Mabye she's on her period? have a talk with her, she's you're girlfriend, so they might be something up with her, or family problems, it's probably bad mood swings that she's been getting, but make sure she's alright, you're her boyfriend, and she might need support on something?
She's bad to you? In what way is she bad to you? does she hit you? Or does she never hang around with you any more, orrr??<3

They weren't together when we kissed?<3

The only thing i can say is wait till they break up, and then take a shot at it and ask him out? The best thing to do would be to stay friends, ok? you're relationship could end in a matter of a couple of weeks, and all that worrying and stress you have had over him would go streight out the window, wouldn't it?:/ I bet theres plenty of boys who would love to be you're girlfriend, but if you're so inlove with him, wait untill the right time, which would be if he beraks up with her, give him time to settle down, and take you're shot at it;) <3
Liked by: Chloe

That has really helped,he's i have friends an I have had boyfriends but I'm not confident with my looks or weight, an im fed up :(<{

I'm not either, but i just have to accept myself for the way i look, because i'm a nice person, so i'm happy;)) If you really think that down about you're weight, do some excersises (i posted a Link VV) or diet, or just eat as much as you like, and do plenty of excersising! Don't try and become anorexic, just eat weight watchers foods or something, they can make a huge differance to you're weight!! A Good diffrence;) Stay strong xxx
Liked by: Chloe

I self harm.. I have been for about a year now:/ I told everyone I stopped, I have so many reasons as to why I do but my main one is because I'm bisexual and no one understands I hate who I am I don't want to be here anymore, I'm dying inside I don't have a meaning in life I never did never will..

Self harming is stupid, lets say you was ugly (you're probably not, but read on..), and you started to cut, how is that making it easier? You want to be prettier, but cutting isn't going to make you better, it makes you worse, it makes you're figure worse, and that isn't the only thing to do when you're depressed, is it? Talk to someone about it, ok? Theres alot of bisexual people out there, everyone is unique, everyone thinks diffrent, so be proud of what you are, you do have a meaning in you're life, you only live once remember, make the most out of you're life, because you never know, you might turn into a model, have beautifull kids (if you decide to have it that way) or you could become really rich,you probably have a nice family,friends? you may get them depressed if you kill yourself, because you're parents would of wanted you to live you're life, and be happy, you wouldnt like it if you had a kid who wanted to die, would you? you would say 'be proud of who you are! everyones unique!' stay strong!! <3

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I want to be a councillor when I'm older, like you, I give people such good advice and love helping people through things I think I'm very good at it, do you know how I would go about it?

Well i am just a person who is willing to give advice, because i feel so good,nice, and helpfull, and proud of myself when people say thank you to me, yes, it is good to have people like you and me who help people through things, because if i needed help, i would want help like this, the best way to go about it is probably start it like me, and when you're older, become a school nurse or a doctor, because those kind of people help you through everything, don't they?;) You would be quite good at helping people by the sounds of it, give it ago?;)<3

I really love this guy but he's got a girlfriend. He always flirts with me and says he loves me too but I don't want to ruin their relationship. But I really want to ask him out...

Don't ask him out, he doesn't sound like the right guy for you, if you asked him out, and he said yes and finished his over girlfriend, he could be telling loads of girls he loves them too, when you're with him, and no-one likes boyfriends who are flirters, and cheaters, do they? stay good friends because friendship never ends if you have true friends, but most relationships just go down the drain after some point, unless you're after a serious relationship, but he doesn't sound like he wants a proper relationship,otherwise he would only be there for 1 girl, he wouldn't tell other girls he loves them, would he? <3

I was raped and have over 200 scars I'm fuck ugly and all my friends have turend agains me I have dperession and have tried to comitt suicide twice droning myself and over dosing I'm in hospital time and time again but I'm thinking of doing it again. Help me

Rape? Go and tell somebody! tell the police, you're doctor, an ambulence, a teacher, just someone! someone who you know who will support you through everything! what i would do is, move schools, new facebook account? only add people you like, do not kill yourself, ok? think about you're friends, family, cute pets, if you kill yourself, they will all think they have a part in this to make you feel that way about yourself, try and get you're friends to like you again! try everything you possibly can, because you will need supporters to help you through this! Trust me, the right thing would be to tell someone? Take depression tablets, try and calm down, re-think everything, you can do better than just to give up you're life, when you turn 20+ You'll think to yourself 'why did i do that?' because you get more mature when you grow older, you could have kids, but if you give up now, you wont have a life (Obviously), life is much harder than death but it would be worth it, you only live once so make the most of it, stay strong!<3

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I'm in love with this lad, we've kissed and everything but he has a girlfriend

Dont be in love with him, if he has a girlfriend, he's cheating on her, so if he wanted to get with you, theres a chance he could cheat on you, and no-one likes that, do they?<3
Liked by: Chloe

I'm getting bullied and I've told my mum but I still don't know what to do coz it still hasn't stopped, what should I do? I'm too scared to fight back, always have been, and all my comebacks are shit:(! What do I do? And how do I react???

I know this might sound abit crazy, but you can just move schools, have a fresh start, try harder to change you're personality to a stronger version,fight back! inbox them, or message them a huge paragraph about how you feel towards bullying, you're friends also will be there for you 100% for you all the time, they will support you and fight back for you, tell the teacher on them? tell the headteacher? you may get called a grasser but if it prevents it them i would just do that <3

I'm ugly:( and have no confidence at all<3

Right back at ya! i have no confidence what so ever, but i just have to face it all, because nothing can change me anyways, people shouldn't be judged on their looks anyways, but you just have to accept yourself because theres nothing yuou can do about it, you will probably have friends, wont you? they will support you, there always there for you, you don't have to be unconfident around them, do you? as long as you're personality is good, i don't think it would be a problem finding yourself a partner, because there is some people out there who don't go for looks, but you are probably georgous/handsome or whatever anyway;)>3
Liked by: Chloe

Im dying, i dont know how to tell my friends... :(

You're dying?! Here-
You- I have something to tell you (try to cry so they don't think you're joking)
Friend Omg what?!
You- i think i'm dying!
Friend- No. you're joking?
You- no, i'm not!
Then you're friend will start asking you when did you find out, what of? why? you're friends will support you through it all, thats what friends are for, they wont turn against you, they will help and support you, so you don't have to worry about telling them <3
Liked by: K A R A

I'm in love with someone but he has a girlfriend , and now i don't know what to do... ;s

Try and make an effort in becoming close friends, that might make you feel better, because you would spend time with him aswell as his girlfriend without actually 'liking' eachother?
Boys litterally come and go, that has happened to me once, i met this uy who was soo goodlooking, and he had such a great personality, and i wanted to become boyfriend and girlfriend type thing, just stay friends, because at the end of the day, most relationships end, but friendship doesn't <3 hope that helped ?x

my best friend admitts shes jelous of my relationship with my boyfriend and i dont know what to do

Have a talk to her about it, or have a talk about you're boyfriend about it? maybey don't be so loved up to eachother when you're around her? or make some more time with you and her, see how that goes?<3

i self harm i have done for years i've no idea what to do ive got noone to tlk to about it, my life's falling apart and i cant stop it, im so close to giving up, wat can i do?

Aw, well the only advice i can ive you is to talk to a school nurse about it, you're doctor, or you're parents, you know you're parents are always going to be there for you no matter what, and you're doctor is going to be there for you aswell, there not alowed to tell you're parents things if you don't want them to tell, stay strong!! Don't give up you're life, think about you're family, friends, pets, you would all let them down, and they may commit suicide, and be depressed for that stupid thing you did?<3


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