

Ask @xiWillHelpYoux

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how old are you, seriously?

If i tell you, you probably wont come to me for advice anymore because i'm quite young ahah <3

i have got raped before and he is raping me, should i tell someone?<3

Yes! Go and tell someone, because he might carry on doing it because he'll know he's going to get away with it?! Tell someone before it gets more serious!<3:/

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But he keeps talking to me , again and again. He messed me about as we had a thing, then he went back to his girlfriend. But I did stuff with him when they broke up, not long after, just feel as If he leads me on, then drops me, I don't want to be a rebound. Never want anything to happen tho

Then stop talking to him, he doesn't sound like a boy i would like to be talking to?:/
Or you can just go up to him, and say the things you have said to me, that you think he leads you on, and mabye he can say an explanation for it?<3

What should I do? I am a female and in a constant state of arousal :/ what can I do?:/

You wont be the only one with 'arousal' will you? Theres nothing severe about that, eventhough there is diffrent types of meanings for arousal, But you might grow out of it, but as long as you don't show it (being arousal) theres nothing wrong, why don't you ask someone who has experienced it, because they could give you more help than me, because i haven't experienced arousal before <3

I want to watch girl porn but im a girl, what should i doo?

Well this might be a sign of being bisexual, or lezbian, but theres nothing wrong with that,you're not the only one who likes to watch 'girl porn', like i said everyones unique, it's not like anyone would find out anyways, unless you tell someone, watch it and see how it goes, if you start having feelings with other girls, then theres nothing wrong with that <3

I've had feelings for a guy for 6months now, always think I'm over him but idont know, help me get rid of them,I hate having them

Try and get into someone else, start talking to a couple of people, larking out with them, and soon you might be able to get over them, but usally you do get over the same boy eventually, it just takes time <3

I like this boy but he sometimes he doesn't reply to me and it worrys me?

Right back at ya! I have a crush on this guy, but he always ignores me, and it drives me crazy and i get down sometimes because i really like him, But then when i left it a while, he started talking to me hiself, but what i tend to do is 'accidently inbox' someone;) or just talk to them in person, don't feel bad because you never know, their facebook inboxes might not be working;) Hope that helped <3

What do you do if you make yourself sick??

I have made myself sick before, whatever you do, do not do it, because if you turn anorexic because of that, it is very hard to eat without being sick, even if you don't want to make yourself sick:/<3

My best friend is a girl , and I am a boy.. I think I have feelings for her , what should i do?

Ooooo:-) Well if you're bestfriends, she might have feelings for you too, so i'd ask her out, she would probably say yes if you two are bestfriends, but if she says no, stay friends,don't keep asking her because that will make it awkward for her, Hope this helped <3

There is a boy, I really like and he sais he likes me to. I'm going to see him this weekend. Should I kiss him? But I'm a little afraid

Don't be afraid! It all matches up perfectly, doesn't it?! If you both like eachother, then take a shot at it, If you haven't met him yet, then mabye hang on a little while if it's the first time you have seen him, but if he leans to kiss you, Then i would kiss him;) <3

My best friend (boy) is asking me for naked photos. i really love him and he makes me feel special but i dont know if i should... he's trust worthy and wouldn't send them around but i dont want to mess our friendship up...

Well thats complicated, isn't it:/ If that was me in that situation, tbh i wouldn't feel comftable doing it, you might aswell do stuff, and in that way, you're still friends, but with benefits? Or you can just go along with it, not too nudy though, and just try and act normal again when you next see him, if you trust him, then do it, if you're not comftable with it, then no-one is making you do anything you don't want to do <3

But we both want to, but he doesn't want to finish his girlfriend <3

Well why would he ask you, if he already has a girlfriend to do stuff with? I don't think cheating is right,say to him 'finish you're girlfriend or i wont do stuff with you', and if he really did want to do stuff with you, he would do the right thing and finish his girlfriend for you <3

She dont want to hang out with me any more , she have other passwords , her character is different as before..

Try and make space for her, ask to go on her phone and take a sneaky peak, and if she says no, then no, relationships are about trust, and if she doesn't let you, she could be hiding something? I'd have a talk with her or something? <3

He asked me to do things with him, but he has a girlfriend? What do I say?

Well lets say if you did do stuff with him, and everybody found out, his girlfriend/ex, wouldn't like you, because you did stuff with him,and you might get haters,maybey if you did do stuff with him, and no-one knew about it, it could all be good, but wouldn't you feel guilty?:/ Or you can just leave it and just do stuff with only a boyfriend you have, because you can't just go round doing stuff with other peoples boyfriends? Unless you did do stuff with him, people knew about it, and they could be fine with you, and the boyfriend gets haters, like it should be, theres all these diffrent things that can happen, just do what you thinks right <3
Liked by: Gabbie

how do i get a boy to like me who is friends with someone i used to speak to and doesnt feel like a bad mate

Well if he's friends with someone you used to speak to, try speaking to them again, because if you do, they will obviously hang around with the boy you like, so that is a way for you two to get to know eachother?<3


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