

Ask @xiWillHelpYoux

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What should I do! My friends and my best friends would rather hang around with this group if boys who hate me and don't like...

Tell you're friends how you feel, if there true friends, they will probably still hang around with them, but they will make plenty of space for you, they may hang around with them when you're not there, so it's fair, or you can just find out why the boys don't like you, try and get them to like you?<3

10 tips on dealing with friendship problems, rumour spreading, bitchiness and bullying? <3

Friendship problems- Apologize to them, even if none of you're arguements are you're fault.
Friendship problems- If you're problems involve other people, get together and sort it all out!/get to the bottom if it.
Friendship problems- Leave it,ok? Sooner or later, you will forgive eachother, thats how real friendship works.
Rumor spreading- Ignore it, leave it, asif you don't care, if someone asks you to see if a rumors true, just say no.
Rumor spreading- Make a status, a tweet or something to tell everyone that none of it's true.
Rumor spreading- Try and find out who the person was spreading stuff that isn't true, and find out why.
Bitchiness&Bullying- Fight it back by defending yourself, don't let them think they can get away with it!
Bitchiness&Bullying- Tell an adult (prefably a teacher or parent) who can sort everything out. Or tell a friend who will support you through it all, and stick up for you. <3

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I'm really really scared of spiders and I want to get over it, but I can't,I can't look at pictures of them be sure I freeze and they make my skin crawl! I had a massive one in the downstairs bathroom at least 3 months ago, and I've only just started using it again because I have been that scared<3

You might have Aphobia of spiders, don't worry, not many people have it, other people can have aphobia of buttons, feet, and just anything <3

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Why do girls i talk toaleays have something wrong with them its fucking annoying?

They all don't have something wrong with them? All girls are unique, you can't pick and choose what you like if you know what i mean ahah <3

just general life:( <3

I'm sorry, i think i have lost the question you were answering back on? If this was the self harming one, just read some of the answers i have written to other people <3

I want to self harm but I don't know how to,I get bullied everyday, normally cyber bullying but also in real life, I cry every night, and I try to self harm but it doesn't work, what's the best way to self harm?

I'm not going to tell you because you shouldn't be doing it, fight it back! Tell a teacher, you're parents,they'll all support you and help you through it, don't cut you're skin because you're getting bullied, how is that going to solve everything? It will make everything worse, people might notice you're scars and it might spread and THATS when you'll feel depressed, you're skin is nice and healthy, don't shorten you're life span, because life isn't long, don't waste it, make the most of it, don't let the bullies think they can get away with it all the time,solve you're problems, don't make them worse by self harming <3

No I don't have a boyfriend or an ex and all my friends are girls but they don't like gays!:/

How about leave it a secret for a while, and tell them when you're ready, or tell a friend who doesn't mind gays, a friend who you can trust <3

I love Taylor Swift, but all of my friends hate her and they are trying to convince me that she's a slut and she dated so many people. But I love her songs and she's so pretty and she's a great person. IDK what to do??

You wont exactly fall out with you're mates from liking a singer, everyone isn't the same, everyones unique, everyone will like something/someone whatother people don't like, it's natual, don't worry!<3

I want to kiss someone, but I don't have a boyfriend?

Go to pozition nightclub, you're bound to get a kiss or two there;)<3

But if I lose them I have no other friends!:/

Have you got a boyfriend now? or an ex?make friends with their friends, or make friends with some girls, because believe it or not, girls like gay bestfriends;)<3

Dear person who wants to atop biting nails/anyone wanting to know Paint your neals in clear coat varnish When you bite your nails the taste will be gross so you will stop :)

Liked by: Chloe

Can I lose it from fingering myself or being fingered? Or do I need a dick in there? X

Yes, you can by fingering yourself, if somehow you're cherry isn't popping, you're probably born without one, which isn''t a problem, lots of people are born without one <3

But then my friends will find out I'm gay somehow and I'll lose them and I don't know anyone else who likes gay!:/

I guess you're going to have to just face the music, i'm a girl so i don't have any experience in telling somone i'm gay, you wont lose them, if ther true friends,they ill support you, if you lose them, there not true mates,thats all i can say <3

I want to kiss any one so badly, but I don't have a boyfriend, but I want to kiss someone

Go to 'Pozition nightclub' you're bound to get a good kiss there :-)<3

I can't stop biting my nails, what should I do, they are so short it's hurts, and the nail stuff doesn't work because i bite it off, the taste doesn't bother me <3

hm, buy some plasters, mabye? to put on each of you're fingers? but then if you bite them in school, when you're about to bite them, just don't? I don't really know because i thought it was really easy to stop biting my nails <3

Ok so I'm gay but I have not told anyone yet, I don't know how to? Quite a lot of my friends say they dont like gays!:/ I don't want to lose them as friends cause there my only friends!:/ I don't fit in really well!:/ I don't want to get hate or abuse because I'm gay!:/ what do I do!:/

Hm, Why don't you just tell people who aren't against gay people, in that way, they wont be as shocked as if you told someone who is against gay people?<3

My period is so heavyyyy :/ can I do something to make it 'lighter'???

I don't think there is, you see, periods are always diffrent each month, some are light and some are heavy, i'm afraid you're just going to have to deal with it ahah <3

I bite my nails and i hate them :( what can i do too stop?????

Go to boots and get this nail stuff you put on you're nails, so everytime you bite you're nails, a horrible taste comes into you're mouth ahah <3

You don't tell a 12 year old to get fingerd you douche

I did say it was my opinion and people will obviously think diffrent to me, but if she feels comftable with it and she's goit a boyfriend, then yeah, my own opinion sooo <3


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