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So how have u been ?

Sorry for slow reply...I'm fine...was a bit stressed out due to work load...but now its avail....missed ya honey...

"The easier it is to do, the harder it is to change."  ~Eng's Principle Do you have any habit which fits the quote? If you have one can you tell how easy was it to do and why is it hard to change?

Smoking...it just took a match box to begin with and now it begins my day. It was easy to do and its harder to change..
Liked by: ....

Do you think we have the right to judge others actions based on what society culture demands? what if the action is right but society deems it wrong and vice versa?

Saud ALF
We can't judge anybody so easily. I prefer maintaining silence.
Liked by: Saud ALF

When you answer a question, you believe that it is the correct answer, or do you think that it is the correct answer or do you answer according to experience, or your point of view or what you would do in that certain situation?

Saud ALF
It depends. If I know that it is correct then it is correct and I answer based on my experience, understanding.
Liked by: Saud ALF

Assume that someone you know has is a complete high IQ genius & you don't know that, also the person is a slacker by choice, what if that person every emotion shows is part of an intentional act to direct others to do what the person wants, would you consider the person a great actor or not? why?

Saud ALF
I'd consider him/her a failure at life. Actors get money and fame, but such people don't.


Language: English