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Ask @xlnc

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OMG !!! Mohammed your answers are great .. Keep it up ;)

Oh are they really? I was so pissed about an issue at that time. I wrote my mind out on ask.fm...

If life is so short, why do we do so many things we don’t like and like so many things we don’t do?

Saud ALF
Because we think that life is larger than it actually is. We have forgotten the reasons behind our birth.

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then how someone say i love you and i will imagine there were no words like I LOVE U ?ok if i want to say i love someone it doesn't mean that i love hem/her in words only if i said it i would mean i will give you my heart if you want it,and i could mean it with out saying it my actions could say it.

Oh Jesus! You got a lot of sense Ghadah. Your answer is perfect...

what dose it mean to you when a spacial person said (( I LOVE YOU )) ?

What does it mean to you when a special person says (( I LOVE YOU ))?*. OK! When a special person says that she loves me, it means she wants me in her life. She is expressing her feelings with those words. Imagine there were no words like I LOVE YOU, then how would one say it?

hiii. my Q today is, how r u spending the summer ?

Sara AlNujaidi
Summer was pretty good so far with a big fat holiday of 45 days and a short trip of 8 days . Waiting for autumn... :)

What dose your pic mean?

It shows British Muslim women protesting against the British Police in a demonstration in London probably in 2007...for arresting 4 innocent Muslim men who demonstrated against the Denmark's artist and fought with the Police Officers in London.

Well yah u r right. That's a good point. Great answer

Sara AlNujaidi
Writing what I feel, think and gain appreciation was not my intention. I request all the Muslims/Non-Muslims who read this to at least think once about what I said in my last answer and what am i saying now...
Users/Girls upload pictures showing what they shouldn't be showing and when an Anonymous starts flirting, they call him loser go away, this and that and so on. I mean why do they add attractive and indecent pictures when they really don't like men teasing or asking them for shit? Don't they know that attracting men is a sin? Now if something social comes up they say they want rights. How do you expect people to trust you?
One day we all shall return to ALLAH and there will be no question of driving cars, women rights, rich, poor, black, fair arab, non-arab, brit or american and all bull-shit and non-sense westernized provocations. How good of a Muslim were you is what will matter.
Sara I expect you to be kind and obedient to your Papa and Mama. Thanks for the appreciation Sara but! :P

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are u part of iERA Thing ? and can u please explain it in few words :P

I'm not part of iERA unfortunately, but I regularly catch up with them...

Go ahead :D

Sara AlNujaidi
I am totally against it when people say that freedom doesn't exist. I believe that anything done within limits and lines of decency looks good and sounds acceptable. I don't think a girl spending time outside her house late till 11pm or 12pm is acceptable to any respectable family or culture anywhere in the world. It's a matter of respect and dignity that holds you back.
Example: If I force a Russian girl as a husband, brother or a father, to dress up full length, does it mean that she lost her freedom? If freedom is showing bodies and doing whatever he/she wants, then there is no need of any religious or constitutional law.
I think freedom is truly based on religion, place, necessity, culture and values. We can't ask for something that is not allowed in our religion and family, I really don't care about society, but yes religion and family are the decision makers of what I'm allowed to do. Now asking for something which is shameful and might cause trouble and damage to you, in this life or afterlife and calling it freedom is absolutely foolish. But yes, fundamental rights should be given to each and every person alive. Right to freedom of speech, Right to vote, Right to freedom of religion and rights like that. As far as driving cars is concerned, I think Saudi women are lucky that they have drivers who drive them to where ever they want.

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well it was nice talkin 2 u :) we should do this again soon :) kodofes

Hope I did not offend you by my questions. It was nice talking to you too. Yes ensha Allah we shall talk again...I have a lot of question to ask you. Thanks for your time. Take Care. Khuda Hafiz!

Would You Rather...Die from starvation OR Die from overeating

Actually neither...but starvation if these are the only choices left...

What song do you consider the most romantic?

Nothing's Gonna Change My Love for You - Glenn Medeiros. I love this piece....

whats the best things happened to you this year .. ?

This year clubbed with the last has proven to be unlucky to me except few really great religious trips tp Makkah and Medina...expecting better days...

I Liked Ur Pic

Thnx! You know the kinda...this painting has a lot to say...it really says a lot...and I appreciate your taste

Wsh a7la ll'bnt : sh3r 6wel / 89er , 6wela / 89era , sh3rha na3m / curly / 5shn , be9'a / 7n6awyah / smra / tan , n7efa / mlyanh / smena , jmela / cute


hiiiii. ok lets continue yesterdays Q. Now If yesterday were today, then wouldn't today be yesterday?

Sara AlNujaidi
Hi Sara! What a tricky question...lemme guess...I think NO...if yesterday was today, then today technically should be today...I believe...Oh you making me think a lot....I think yes thats what it is...

are you with women driving in Saudi Arabia or not and why?

I don't know why they really wanna drive and why they don't have to drive. Its about the experts' advice and finally authorities' decisions. I think there is more to it when it comes to rights before one can even think of driving cars. Not just KSA, but anywhere in the world, a Muslim woman follows her role models who are Sayyedah Aisha (Radi Allahu anha), Sayyedah Fatima (Radi Allahu anha) and holy women like them. I think its a sensitive issue to be dealt with and I really have no grip of the ground situation. Anyways, its not my call neither is it my right. :)
However, I recently read an article, that quoted Hillary Clinton and few others as pro women2drive in Saudi Arabia and that they are concerned about women rights in KSA. If they are really concerned about women rights, then why don't they wage a war against ISRAEL to save women in the region? I don't claim but I think western powers should stop mediating in issues of Saudi Arabia like Saudi Arabia never pokes its nose in other countries issues.

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