
♔ His Excellency ♔

Ask @xlnc

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Do Ya Like Christina Aguilera?

Not so much...it was when she newly started doing songs...I liked her...Beyonce is the bombshell

What was the worst meal you have ever had?

I never had anything bad enough to call it "the worst meal". After all food can't be worst you fool. What kinda shit question was that?

Do you believe in 'love at first sight'?

It's actually INFATUATION which lasts longer than other infatuations...some fools call it love and the few believe its love...Love is not easy to happen and when it happens not easy to be lost....there is a lot of suffering...Love is a river of fire and you have swim through it to reach your destination...Truly ME! Wanna fall in love with me baby?

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Do you believe in Karma?

Already answered....Here it is one more time...Karma is in Hinduism and Buddhism not in Islam. It talks about previous life and its affects on present life. So, I don't believe in Karma and whoever believes can't be a Muslim...

What is your idea of perfect relaxation?

Rest in cool air on your terrace in a summer night...Bed is perfect during winter...

Who was the last person you kissed?

I think its my niece and my nephew...when I last met them...I got no girl friend...

hey there.. do u think animals can commit suicide?

Sara AlNujaidi
It's a debate. Few say yes, few say no...I say NO. Except humans no animal can commit suicide...Nice question...informative....Thanks for asking

No I Really Do ,, My Dad Smoke ALOT ;/ ,, Plz Dont Smoke Alot :)

That's so caring dear. Ensha Allah I shall quit...Thanks for the care...

Bad Boy Smoke Iz Bad :P LOLZ I Cant Live Without Food :)

You don't know how much I desire and try to quit...But its not easy...I've been smoking since I was in Grade 6.

sorry for that rubbish

Your daddy won't be happy that you messing with the man with the king size...move it now. Bless ya!


OK! ya da mst hndsme n da bst man ALIVE...go nw...I gna del al ya Qs hre frth...I CAN TRACK YOUR IP ADDRESS IF I WANT TO AND SCREW YA HAPPINESS...take care of yourself nigger...

you are very ugly basard

i really feel sorry for you dude...stop acting like a pimp...god bless ya

you are not good looking. ugly bastard

dude my face is blacker than of Obama and my real thing is whiter than lady gaga's face...u seem to have got a lot of problem with my appearance....what's ya plan? did ya sis ask about me or something?

your are very ugly bastard

Are you gonna kill me for being ugly..live happy sad man...do you really wanna mess with me???

you are fuckin indian or turkish?

You seem to be severely suffering from racism...but you can't legally even touch my shit whether I'm an Indian or a Turkish or an African...I hold my law...reveal yourself if you got balls nigga...


Language: English