

Ask @ZeroSenSuncust

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Are you generally a more optimistic or pessimistic person?

I try to be more optimistic than anything because pessimism is kind of annoying to me. Moping about something being terrible isn't going to make it stop being terrible.

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Which Jazzy NYC. NG, Arrange, 2I, 3S, 3S Arrange, TVC or Online Edition?

3S original by a long shot. The others are all pretty good, except for the 3SOE version. It's called "*Jazzy* NYC" for a reason.

If a botcher botches in the woods, and no one is there to see it, does he still botch?

He saw the botch. So, yeah, by default someone is there to see it. Durr

Who botches the botchers?

Those that have botched themselves into history as the supreme botchers.

What makes you feel proud of yourself?

Managing to spend a day feeling like I did real work, regardless of what it's related to.

What is your favorite brown ground and electric type Pokemon from generation V?

joke's on you, I don't even like Electric types you scrub

Would you use a self-driving car or drive yourself?

Drive myself. I'm still...a little uncomfortable driving, but I feel like I can trust my own reactions better than a computer's in most situations.

How do you prefer to travel?

Short distances, I'd walk or bike. Anything over 30 minutes would be car. Out of state, plane (not confident enough to drive on my own to like Georgia or something given the time and the fuel).

Do you wear any jewelry?

A watch at most. For some reason I really dislike wearing bracelets (save those rubber kinds), rings, and necklaces.

Of the fighters you don't currently play, which one would you be most interested in picking up, hypothetically?

Maybe Tekken. I find myself slowly getting pickier about the FGs I would try to learn.

Which meal was so good that you can't forget it?

My aunt made a really good Jamaican Easter dinner a few weeks back--curry goat, rice and peas, the works. If I could've I would've had seconds.


Language: English