

Ask @UniqueZa

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When was the last time you saw an animal in the wild?

Whenever I look at my lil bro monkey self . Jk , Idk last time I went to the zoo I guess .

Me again. I'm kinda thinking I'm helping to give you something a little more brainy to chat about besides sex and ho's. So, your cousin, I take it, lives in Chicago? What did you guys do down by the Navy Pier? As a little more About Me stuff, I used to live near Rush and Division. That was fun!

No he lives with me & we went there just to have a beach day . & Me & the guys played football . Me & my cousin took a walk & was just talkin then we started taking pictures .

Ma son't worry bout these hoes they want what yo sexy ass got .

Im not bugging she doing all that over a boy I ain't got time for all that but thanks sweetheart .

Hi. Me again. I Googled it, cuz I knew there was something Sycamore did in the fall. It's called Pumpkin Festival. I seem to remember it, but I don't think I've ever been to Sycamore. Upon further Googling, you seem to live in the middle of a lot of corn fields. Which is cool. I grew up on a farm.

Oh , okay . & Yeah pretty much .

Robby is mine stop bein thirsty damn

1st off move around with all that
3rd He must not be yours if you on my page talkin bout her yours a real women don't worry about other females when she know what she got at home is real you duck .
Dang the thirst is #Reallll ....

No, not that close. But I could drive there. I know the whole area pretty well, cuz I do a ton of stuff. I've been to Union, Arlington, Naperville, Rockford, Schaumburg, Wheaton. I mighta been to DeKalb once. And I've heard of your Harvest Festival! I love Halloween! It's my favorite holiday! Boo!

Ohhh , okay cool . & Idk what the harvest fest is .

Me again. Oh My - we live so close. I could visit you. I'd better stay anonymous until I'm sure not to come there and ... Show you what a boob I really am. So, stay sweet, my limber Dancing Doll, and I shall stay away. And honestly - Butt licking? Do you really answer, like, ALL your questions?

Where do you stay ? Dekalb ? & Yeah, I answer all the questions . No matter how crazy .

Ach - Come on! That awesome picture of you looking adorable on the breakwater, holding your foot behind your head. That one! Right up there! You got, like, a press agent, or something? :-)

Lol , my cousin took it when we were at the beach .

Hey. Here's another question. Who took that awesome picture of you? You look adorable!

Which one ? & Thank you !!!

Me again. Do you ever stop being gorgeous? Cuz you're killing me. But, it's okay. I mean, I'm worth your being gorgeous. Just keep up the good work. Stay pretty forever, 'kay?

Thanks love ! & I will keep up the good work . & I will try stay pretty forever just cause you said so ! :)

Would you be scared too leave a dude tht hit you

Nope . But when I'm done w/ him I bet he be scared to hit any body else male or female .


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