

Ask @blasianhippy

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I'm a virgin (male) and i want to eat a girl out soooooo bad but idk how to approach this.

I'm pretty sure a girl wouldn't turn Down head so just go for it, and remember the most important thing is the clit. So focus there when eating a girl out and finger her while u do it

Awe I'm in Eastpointe today😐 and I want to meet you but I probably can't 😭💔

Why not 😭😭

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Don't listen when people talk about you . They're obviously obsessed about you if they take time out of THEIR day to speak on you . They just lowlifes honestly .😪💯

Liked by: Ashanti

bitch why the fuck you wanna leave us and go back to the place where they completely rejected yo ass (ohio)????

I glo'd up they can't bully me anymore.
Liked by: CSHS

I feel weird or awkward when people can me pretty or beautiful because in 7th grade so many ppl called me ugly and It fucked up my self esteem and now I can't stand being called pretty because I just feel like their lying and they just feel sorry for me like a fake compliment or something💀

I know exactly how you feel bc in 6th and 7th everyone used to call me ugly and stuff and nobody liked me and then I come to detroit and I'm getting all this attention like eh no 😭

why do you go outside barefoot ? you know you gonna have cuts on your feet . don't mess em up . you have beautiful toes . like everybody been talking about em on Twitter n shit .

I never cut my feet up outside 😭 I just don't think I need shoes to go in front of the house or in the back yard

Ok so I'm doing cross country next year (I hope) so anyway I didn't go to the camp they recommended so does that mean I can't be on the team because I might buy new cross country shoes but I don't want to buy them and find out that i can't be on the team?

Not sure you should ask the coach or someone but u said it was recommended and not mandatory so yeah ask

When a person lose a fight in highschool do people keep talking about it? 😭😭

Maybe for like a day or 2

Is there a such thing as popular in highschool? Like do some people get invited to parties and some don't or like some people are known by many people while some people are barley noticed?

No, mostly everyone promotes parties on social media now a days

Freshman advice?

no skipping
(If u feel emotionally unstable see a consoler / social worker)
Friends aren't important 💯
9/10 upperclassmen won't bully you
do not procrastinate
Avoid drama
Hang out with the right people
If u need help please ask
If you have any problems when school start let me know I'll try to help

Do you think it's a bad idea to wear a white shirt to school? Like i don't want to be walking around school with a stained white shirt after lunch?

Just wear a black bra and you're straight

Do you want any tattoos

I want a tattoo of a peace sign and I want a tattoo of a dragon I also want a tattoo of the flower of life
Liked by: RIP TELLY

U should get sum head . I promise u wont stress for 2 months straight ✌🏾️😭📖



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