
Jameela Alnakkas

Ask @JayAlN

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What's your favorite perfume?

hmmm, its either Chance by Chanel, or the new ones by Polo! as well as Love Rocks and Bombshell from Victoria's Secret

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What's your favorite things to do in the summer?

i dont really know. Go swimming, travel, sleepovers, etc.

If you could influence people like a celebrity does, how would you use it for the benefit of the planet?

in any way possible. but not advertising.
Liked by: ..

Nah, I was just teasing you. It's me, you know me, right? What, no? Oh.. ok, my bad. Guess I got a bit excited. Won't happen again, here I give you my word. Ta!

I don't know who you are, or where you've been, but I'm with you! Haha! no really, who are you?
Liked by: Mishary Bin nawaf

LOL Remember when we used t... uhm, no.. sorry, just forget about it.

I cannot forget something I don't even remember.

What were your dreams/ aspirations growing up?

I've always dreamed about becoming a veterinarian and visiting Australia and Africa (as is staying there for a long time). They still are as we are constantly growing. But sadly I made a few wrong choices and ended up here.


Language: English